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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Keypoint Survey Reflects What We Already Knew - "Ai Will Remove Paper From the Process"

"Ai doesn't work with paper. At all."

I know, I know - the paperless office "will never happen".  It's been predicted for decades but you're still selling copiers, aren't you?  Still shipping toner, right?  Tick Tock, the clock is winding, we are a few strokes away from midnight.

Keypoint is a analyst and consulting firm established in the copier industry - they study trends around the advances in copiers, software that moves and stores documents, service histories, movers and shakers in the industry.

"There's going to be less benefit to using paper than there is to using it."

Today, they are the only analyst in the niche majoring in the impact of artificial intelligence on business and minoring in office technology.  

I checked out the recent podcast and found an interesting taste and reflecting more evidence Ai/LLMs DO NOT impact topline, but can certainly expand the bottom line.


Finding real use cases is difficult beyond generating emails, predictive maintenance(yawn) and aiding the helpdesk.

 AND -
"If you're going to run a process through an're going to have to remove paper from that equation.
Ai is just another 'feather on the pile' pressuring the elimination of paper in the remaining paper-centric processes.
"I don't want to sound like an old person...I didn't use a feather and a pen to write, you know what I mean...but the people before me did."
The podcast was intended to introduce and tease the results of Keypoint's survey about Ai in the industry.  

What did I hear?  Beethoven's Fifth.

Listen to the podcast, here.

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