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Monday, February 26, 2018

A Decade of #TheDeathofTheCopier: Really?

Long ago, a decade seemed like forever; "1999" was a far-off party, and 2001 was so distant, that it was science fiction.

When I was young, I couldn't imagine where'd I be beyond 2008.  Today, decades fade away, "like tears in the rain..."

Ten revolutions around the Sun
120 Months
521.4 Weeks
3,650 Days
87,000 Hours

At its peak, The Death of the Copier was coveted; worth stealing. Not for the plain talk, but for the audience.

In 2008, we were busy back-slapping and congratulating ourselves for selling machines like popcorn.  The future was bright; it was never going to end.
  • Ikon was a huge channel of 'independent' dealers.
  • Xerox was like Kleenex.
  • Ricoh and Canon punched it out for the second and third position.
  • HP was on the edge with Edgeline.
  • The rest of the pack was just that, a pack.
Back then, few were 'blogging' about copiers. Out here on the inter-webs, nobody was talking about workflow, managed print services, IT, or business acumen.  Newsletters, magazines, and trade shows were the vehicles of delivery.

On this 10th year anniversary, I've traveled back to the future, re-visiting stories of the love, toner, blood, and tragedy that is DOTC.

I've dug up a few nuggets:

From a DOTC post, "Top 12 of 2008":

"5. LinkedIn - MySpace is all grown up. Much more mature than Facebook with real contacts and real business and NO high school moms pretending to be CEOs...well, maybe. Quite by chance, I fell into LinkedIn. Early, I joined MySpace, Facebook, Plaxo, etc. - but LinkedIn, for some reason has held my attention and gets most of my input when it comes to "social networking"."-  2008.

I talked about Managed Print Services, how copier reps won't naturally progress into the niche, how real MpS requires IT and copier knowledge, and something called Business Acumen.  It was like speaking Latin.

The second post, February 2008: Managed Print Services - That "Hot, New, Thing..."

"A copier salesperson does not directly translate into an MPS specialist.

Nor does an IT Services salesperson translate into an MPS Specialist. It takes both IT experience and copier experience and a great deal of general, C-level, business experience. 

That holy grail of Professional Selling, "Business Acumen". Someone with the "Big Picture" insight and manage the details of a solution."

Honestly, the more things change, the more they stay the same. It's been ten years and we're still struggling to find managed print nirvana.

We still sell copiers.

 How about this one from 2011?  Inspired by the movie Jerry McGuire -

"MPS isn't the end-all, it isn't the only reason to exist - it never has been. Still, with everybody getting in and as many as 50% failing, what now?

With all the OEMs defining MPS ... and reclassifying direct accounts, how can we continue?

Touch More.

More Human Touch. Less PowerPoint. No WebEx meetings, toss the 50 slide business summaries. Instead, press the flesh. Draw on a napkin.

Do that thing we do as sales professionals, look him in the eye and say "thank you, what more can we do, today?"

"Oddest, most unexpected thing..."

Success and change aren't always a result of design. Innovation encroaches from another direction; from the left as we look right, from behind as we look ahead.  Few ever see it coming.

So it is today. As some deny the paperless revolution is near, companies like Alaska Air outfit their 1,400 pilots with iPads.  Apple is making the textbook obsolete and banks accept pictures of checks for deposits. Your kids, don't call each other anymore, they use their thumbs.

From social media to MpS, everything is new and unpredicted - there are no experts - the world moves faster than ever before. No benchmarks, no 'metrics', no comparison, no rules.

Waiting for the revolution? It's already here.

"The Me I always wanted to be" - Trust

Trust. It is a big word and one of the first MPS Conference keynote speaker attempted to rally behind stating, 
"..Trust is something this industry has got to reclaim."

He is new. He doesn't understand to reclaim something, one must have first possessed it.

"I had lost the ability to bullshit, ..."

Our journey continues.

The path is less bumpy when we build partnerships. Partnerships are easier to forge over a foundation of truth. Can you be true?

Can you lose the ability to bullshit? If not to your prospects, at least with yourself. Or are you just another shark in a suit?

Can you see the entire ecosystem?

How about instead of optimizing a smidgen of hardware and some toner, you envision Optimizing Everything?

That's right, everything. Managed Optimization Services.

"That's how you become great, man. Hang your balls out there."

Good Stuff.

What have WE, learned over the past ten years?
  1. The Copier is nearly gone
  2. Old ways die-hard
  3. Situations rarely change, people do
My nostalgic jaunt inspired me to seek out memories from the pioneers of the copier-industry social media world.

Before Twitter.  Before Instaglam. Before LI took off...there was Ken Stewart, Nathan Dube, Jim Lyons, and Art Post.

I asked them for a tidbit of reflection:

From Ken Stewart -

Wow, it's been that long?!?  What I've learned:
  1. Trust God more
  2. Forgive mankind often
  3. Relish the little things
  4. Let people be accountable for their actions
  5. Just because the folks in the hot tub look like they're having a blast, their secrets are hiding under the bubbles!
Nathan Dube -

Things I have learned:
  1. Don’t trust the hype
  2. Disruptive technologies sometimes aren’t and those that are, often take time to produce real change
  3. If the paperless office is coming, I am not seeing it much/at all in New England across most verticals
  4. Storytelling is the best way to market
  5. Everybody hates their printer eventually
  6. The future of marketing IMO lies in gamification and interactive content that is more about entertainment than the product you are trying to sell.
Jim Lyons -

Can't remember EXACTLY how Greg and I became friends, but as what seemed like the only two bloggers in the industry back then it was inevitable we'd become friends as well as colleagues. 

A particular fond memory is when Greg had accepted an invitation to the Lyra Conference (Symposium) - where I'd gone from client to contributor. 

Greg and I had been in touch quite a bit but had never met face-to-face and several of the team (including Photizo folks in attendance, though this was before the merger) were excited to meet Mr. Death of the Copier. As we anticipated his arrival I remember enthusing that this was a very much-needed "young guy" we were welcomed into the fold!!!

Art Post

Nothing stays the same, change is constant.
There is nothing new in sales even though there are thousands of sales gurus on LinkedIn promoting their success when they haven't sold shit in years.

There are many stubborn copier manufacturers that refuse to exit the channel. No one copies anymore.

I've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes.

Thanks, guys, for reading DOTC and staying true.

  1. 2008, I was married and living in the mountains of Southern California.  5,000 feet above sea level, an hour from the beach - "...things that have comforted me, I drive away..."
  2. Since 2008, I've moved from SoCali to Charlotte to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - "...this place that is my home, I cannot stay..."
  3. Over 10 years, I've seen small businesses grow and flourish.  I've met the best of the best and the worst of the worst - "...I come and stand at every door..."
  4. I've Failed - "...If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me..."
  5. I've Succeeded - "...I always leave with less than I had before..."
  6. I've become an expert at Starting Over - "...tell me, can you ask for anything more..."
Over the long haul, I've seen the extinction of the typewriter, witnessed the evaporation of the mini and mainframe, and bobbed along the turbulent manual-to-PC-to-network-to-internet-to-cloud waters.

I am fortunate to have a place to express myself.  I'm blessed to be able to write what I would read and humbled others to find something, interesting and possibly entertaining.

10 Years. How about you?

On what field did you stand?  Today, do you still stand?  

Where will you be in 2028?

Two, three, four

Have you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?
If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making his way down the street?
If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me
Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door

Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat?
If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-armed man punching at nothing but the breeze?
If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen me

Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

These things that have comforted me, I drive away
This place that is my home I cannot stay
My only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I display
Have you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free?
If you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Today, I spoke with an MpS God - she was just fired. #managedprintservices #sales

I’ve said it many times, “ the path to MpS nirvana is littered with the skeleton frames of burnt out MpS Managers, Directors and Sales People”.

No sour grapes -

I’m sure there are dozens of good reasons for termination and every separation has at least two stories.  In the past decade I've been a Practice Manager, advisor and support specialist. I’ve thrived, struggled and witnessed good people churned under the seven step, "xerographic process".

And that’s exactly what I mean - the copier niche can destroy vision, creativity, and dumb down every business solution into 30 day segments.  Managed print Services is the latest victim, with managed IT services right behind.

Some of our industry leaders are no more than box movers - they confuse ‘applications’ with business solutions and project hubris as wisdom.  Take a trip through the LinkedIN community and notice how many times we compliment each other or brag about the latest sale, certification, trip or baseball team we're associated.

It is one big, circle-jerk.

These are observations not complaints. We all get what we deserve and this industry deserves its decent into obscurity.

But not just yet.

I've seen this before, from above and below and can list cautionary red-flags for the folks still selling MpS.

Here are some signs indicating you should give my friend Steve Spencer(MpS recruiter) a call:
  • lie
  • lack of vision
  • too many rules
  • change the rules
  • filter out all creativity
  • do not see beyond 30 day cycles
  • incentivize for equipment sales only
  • promote month/qtr/year end specials
  • narrow-minded C-Level management
  • put MpS under the service department
  • dependent on hardware/service revenue
  • refuse to integrate MpS and Managed IT services
  • bad, complicated or non-existent compensation plans
  • a corporate culture centered around past copier success
  • focus on leasing and linking equipment inside MpS deals
  • install a C-level executive with little or no experience beyond the box
  • enforce identical activity expectations for support specialists and down the street copier sales people
  • say "X is a major part of the business", yet majority of revenue is copier generated
  • utilize a foggy compensation plan & do not enforce gates on sales teams
Here's a big one: Does your leadership yell? Do your C-Level meetings include loud voices, hands slapping desks and belligerent attitudes?
“You’ve got to be tough out there”
“This industry isn’t for the thin skinned”
“If you can’t take this, you’ll never make it in sales”
I’m no snowflake. This type of behavior says leagues about the yeller and the enabling organization.  At the very least this is unprofessional - would management slam desks or scream at prospects?

When people communicate in this manner, the organization is:
This is not normal behavior - Leave. Now.  Call Steve.

Not every organization operates like this, I bet not many at all.  But if you're in one, in any industry, consider your self-worth and get the hell out.  It's a big world. No matter your current skill set or personal/professional goals, there are companies and positions out here for you.

You're Notbroken.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Genesis, Evolution and De-evolution of #ManagedPrintServices

I remember the first time somebody said to me, "We've been doing managed print services for 20 years..." that was ITEX, 2008.  Which of course meant this person had been optimizing, assessing, rightsizing, and billing service and supplies on a cost-per-image basis - back in 1988.

"What? Did you bill for re-inked ribbons?"  He was not amused.

Back then, there was a bunch of talk about how MPS was nothing new; the facilities folks had been assessing fleets and selling bodies for years.  The Electronic Document Management guys had been selling scan-to-file for at least a decade and the toner re-manufacturers were old hats at dumpster diving for cores.


The copier-heads saw MpS as a scam; nothing more than a marketing ploy effectively duplicating what they had been doing since 1970.  They laid claim to managed print services.

The move into managed print services took a few years, as OEM after OEM assembled and rolled out their unique program.  Back then, most programs supported a homogenous fleet meaning the "best" MpS solution was one that included the brand "I SELL" versus the brands customers currently utilized - "Rip And Replace" took on a significant meaning.

Months passed. Iterations of software like PrintAudi, FM-Audit, and PrintFleet.  WebJet Admin was HP's software - the most expensive free software you could ever want.  Still, monitoring software was in its infancy.

The MpS world struggled to move away from faxed and manually collected meter reads.  Billing was half the challenge, managing toner shipments incorrectly morphed profitable contracts into nightmare losses.

Shipping costs, undefined commission structures, premature exchanges of toner, and blown motherboards killed many MpS endeavors.  The smart guys looked at meter reads and toner usage data as possible predictors.  Algorithms were developed and applied to create predictive models of toner usage down to the device.

Golden Age of MpS.

As MpS matured, the advanced players moved from 'hardware agnostic' to 'hardware neutral' covering multiple vendors' devices.

Toner fillers and re-manufacturers got into the game as well, assembling and providing managed print services programs complete with data collection agents, mapping software bundled with sales training, and marketing deliverables.

Everybody, even traditional IT VARs, jumped into the MpS ocean.  MpS was full of possibilities, a departure from copiers toward IT and beyond.  ITEX stacked the floor with MpS providers and training sessions - we even had a Managed Print Services Conference.

But a funny thing happened on the way to MpS nirvana. By 2015 MpS had come full circle - the pioneers of the MPS rarely appear, MPS consulting firms fade away leaving MpS training to the "drill and fills".  Manufacturers release dozens of A4 devices like it was always their idea.  In an interesting twist of irony, the biggest critics of managed print services find themselves leading MpS organizations.

Everyone ignored the Signs.  Small OEDs slipped into history or glommed on to bigger dealers - circling the wagons and selling out.  Dawn of The Planet of the Mega Dealer

The Late, Great MpS

Today, 2018 dealers, full of hubris and dripping with chunk-watches, brag about 30% cost reductions, all the while installing A3 for end users who've forgotten what tabloid paper looks like. Prospects implement print policies on their own, realizing the folly of letting companies that derive revenue from prints help them reduce print.

Founding members of the industry transform: 

Lexmark, once an American darling, sells out to an arch enemy.  Xerox, a one-time American, corporate icon, begs her neighbor for shelter.  HP, Lady Blue, suffers through Edgeline, TouchPad and Leo, breaks in two and emerges stronger.

This has happened before, industries rise and fall.  Weaving machines displace textile workers. Horsepower replaces manpower.  Automobiles supplant horses.   One day soon, managed print services will be the buggy-whip of the once prevalent, Copier Industry.

And that's okay - it is the Way of Things.

Click to email me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

New to Copier Sales? What Are You, Nuts?

“When I grow up, I want to sell copiers and printers,” said nobody, ever.

"If two years ago you told me I would be selling copiers, I would have slugged you in the head,” said new reps everywhere.

An aunt to her nephew over Thanksgiving dinner: “What do you do for a living now that you’ve graduated, Johnny?”

“I help companies manage and reduce the costs associated with documents!”

“Oh. You sell copiers. That’s nice. Could you pass the potatoes?"

For those of you who have been in the business for more than a couple of years, you may find the above statements apropos, if not a bit painful. I wanted to be an astronaut once, but the closest thing I’ve gotten to Star Trek is my iPad. I do know the seven steps of the xerographic process, however, so I’ve got that going for me.

Regardless, let’s say you’re a fresh-out-of-school, new copier sales representative. Perhaps you’ve taken a sales class in college, worked retail over the summer, or your friends and family tell you, “You’re such a people person, you should be in sales." Congratulations, you are more than qualified.

As a newbie, your target market is going to be what we love to call “down the street” copier sales. Everybody starts here; many stay. Down the street (DTS) selling is just that; your prospects are located up and down the street and, like the Fuller Brush man, you’re expected to prospect to these small businesses — funeral homes, real estate offices, insurance agents, auto dealers and shops, HVAC, construction, electrical subcontractors, trucking companies, churches and the ever popular print-for-pay businesses.

But the best way to approach this segment is not through a precise email campaign, massive research or a cute social media program. The proven method is a combination of door-knocking and over-the-phone cold calling. That’s it. It’s hard work, no doubt, and the first step in the journey to major and strategic accounts management.

Here’s how these DTS accounts behave:

Read the rest, here.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Today's 3D Printers are Like the Apple IIe of 1987

A recent article on America’s dying industries on the website 24/7 Wall St. included industries such as “curtain and linen mills,” “formal wear and costume rental” and “professional employer organizations.” To perhaps no one’s surprise it also included industries including “bookstores and news dealers,” “newspaper publishers,” “other publishers” and, coming in last on the list, “office supplies, except paper, manufacturing.”

Following on to the last item, the site goes on to explain, “Office supplies manufacturing is one of many industries in the United States negatively affected by the increasing digitization of the workplace ... The increasing ability to store documents and other data virtually has rendered fax machines and photocopiers less necessary and reduced demand for office supplies manufacturing. Employment in the industry has fallen by 42.1 percent since 2007, among the most of any sector.”

Tell us something we don’t know.

The search for new revenue streams continues.  Read the rest, here.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Xerox: It Was a Heck of a Ride...


NORWALK, Conn. and TOKYO — 
  • Xerox shareholders to receive a $2.5 billion special cash dividend, or approximately $9.80 per share1, and 49.9% of the combined company; Fujifilm to own 50.1%
  • Combined company to deliver at least $1.7 billion in total cost savings, with $1.2 billion to be achieved by 2020
  • Accelerates path to revenue growth through global reach, industry-leading scale and enhanced innovation capabilities
  • Well-positioned to lead in growing business areas such as high-speed inkjet, industrial print and workplace solutions, while leveraging Fujifilm's extensive technologies
  • Combined company will have enhanced financial flexibility for future growth investments and capital returns
  • Combined company will have dual headquarters in Norwalk, CT, U.S. and Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and will maintain the iconic “Xerox” and “Fuji Xerox” brands within its respective operating regions
FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (“Fujifilm”) (TSE: 4901) and Xerox Corporation (“Xerox”) (NYSE: XRX) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement to combine Xerox and their longstanding Fuji Xerox joint venture.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Who Helps You Reduce Costs? Copier sales people, managed IT folks, or Advisors?

Who will give you a leg up?

"You will never print another document ever again.”

I know you still have printers and copiers. But I know you’re not printing or copying like you had three years ago. If you’ve made business process optimization an initiative, then you know what I mean. I’ve also found that companies with no ‘green’ or digitization plan, have naturally reduced print. Some telling me, ‘we just don’t print anymore’. I also know players like Xerox, Ricoh, and Lexmark are experiencing great consolidation, and paper plants have shuttered across country. Indeed, from the WSJ, 1/2018-

"One of Xerox’s problems is that it has been broken into two pieces. A year ago, Conduent Inc. (NYSE: CNDT) was spun out. It describes itself as a “business process services” company, which makes it more of a consultancy than a seller of hardware. Xerox retained the hardware business, which sells products that may have been useful to businesses a decade ago but are no longer.”

Customers around the world, are organically reducing devices, copies and prints needed to conduct business- this has been going on for years. For companies like Xerox and Ricoh, whose primary revenue stream is generated with each sheet of marked paper, this is a formidable challenge. And like every shrinking industry before it, the copier niche is not going quietly into the night. For those of you left looking for a copier, it might the best time to work your provider for better pricing - just wait until the 25th of the month - everyone is scrambling and competing for a slice of a shrinking pie.

In the face of this turbulence, photocopier manufacturers and independent dealers are responding in one of three ways -

1. Selling themselves as a "document consultant” and trusted advisor, promising to help you manage your decreased reliance on print.
2. Selling to a larger dealer or manufacturer in an effort to cash out and retire.
3. Shifting away from copiers and printers to markets like IT services, water or energy management.

As you explore new ways to eliminate cost, you may fall within one of these stages:

1. You’ve implemented cost reduction program successfully and want to expand
2. You’ve implemented a failed program
3. You have no visibility into total costs

In each case, starting a study, correcting a misaligned program or continuing to reduce costs, you have three sources of partners:

1. IT providers(including your internal IT)- primarily supporting IT infrastructure
2. Copier/Print supplier & MpS Providers - hardware and software vendor within the copier/printer industry either through direct or indirect channels
3. Professional IT advisors - organizations who derive revenue through sharing subject matter expertise and managing change

No matter who you choose to partner, you should consider three important aspects of each:

* Agenda vs. intent
* Knowledge vs. Wisdom
* Neutrality vs. Bias

Let’s take a look at each:

IT Provider -

Agenda: To support organizational technology infrastructure
Intent: To transform with as little negative impact to end user environment

Knowledge: Deep ‘specification’ knowledge.
Wisdom: Experience and a varied history of supporting IT infrastructure in different types of organizations may give rise to wisdom or business acumen, but this is rare.

Neutrality: Not very. Comfortable with manufacturers they have a history with; CISCO, IBM, DELL and HP, etc.
Bias: To what’s been proven in the past or passes a proof-of-concept.

Copier/Printer supplier -

Agenda: to move opportunities to a close and their intent is to sell more devices/clicks.
Intent: Transform with as little negative impact to end user environment.

Knowledge: Deep ‘specification/machine’ knowledge. May posses basic scanning and onboard application knowledge.
Wisdom: Very little business acumen. Fresh sales professionals lack experience in varied customer, business models. Seasoned profess

Neutrality: Claimed yet impossible, therefore a lie.
Bias: Toward a solution that include's hardware sold.

Professional Advisor -

Agenda: Help client achieve business goals.
Intent: Establish an ongoing relationship.

Knowledge: Business acumen and technical prowess beyond the scope of the project.
Wisdom: Experience over time with many environments and business models.

Neutrality: Completely neutral and open to continuous evaluation of new solutions.
Bias: Toward a solution that supports the client business goals.

Conclusion -

Economic pressures on providers of equipment is severe. Machines are becoming more self-sufficient and easier to manage remotely, business requirements are changing from paper flow to digital flow. Even if your printing less than 500 images a week, you are a prime prospect for the remaining copier vendors - your company is guaranteed to be on some copier rep’s cold call list. There is no shortage of cost reducing value propositions, white papers and marketing material.

Continuously reducing costs associated with output is an internal function - asking teams of folks motivated to sell more devices to help you reduce the number of devices is counter intuitive - a provider with show rooms full of equipment pitching themselves as an “agnostic, trusted advisor” is disingenuous.

So who do you turn to? There are a thousand copier dealerships, hundreds of MSP’s and maybe a dozen proven, reliable and seasoned advisors. Of course, if you can find a good advisor, with an open calendar, I recommend engaging - but the odds are forever in the copier companies favor - it is simply math.

Here’s a quick recommendation:

If you currently support 1-20 devices, copier dealer and MSP
If you currently support 50-100 devices, MSP with Advisor
If you currently support over 100 devices, exclusively work with an Advisor who manages an optimized portfolio of suppliers and software providers.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Of Blockchain, IoT and Scan-Once-Print-Many

What does "scan once, print many" mean? Anyone? Bueller ... ? Back in the good old days of analog copiers, pagers and dinosaurs, the scanner on copiers needed to take a “picture” for every copy made: When 10 copies were requested, the scanner moved across the original 10 times. You can imagine how this added to the wear and tear of a device and repeated, on-site service.

Once devices became digital, the need to scan for each copy ended. Instead, one picture was taken, digitized and available to print for each image requested.

It was a common demo technique to place an original on the glass, touch 10 copies, and while the batch was being output, raise the ADF. In the analog world, this act would result in copies of open lids and black space. Prospects were known to gasp because the digital photocopier kept churning out copies of the original, even with the lid raised.

Digital devices carried another cool quality;

-- Read the Rest, Here --

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Industry Consolidation: A Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner Moment?

On July 30, 1976, American Bruce Jenner wins gold in the decathlon at the Montreal Olympics. His 8,617 points set a world record in the event.

Previously identifying publicly as male, Jenner revealed her identity as a trans woman in April 2015, publicly announcing her name change from Bruce to Caitlyn in a July 2015 Vanity Fair cover story.

Everything changes, baby that's a fact - when we refuse to see the impact of the shift, we call it 'disruption'. Worse, if we misread the writing on the wall, becoming overly optimistic, expectations do not meet reality. Disappointment ensues.
There's so much to say about the consolidation movement going on in our little niche but if you ask me, the future is neither bright nor dark - it is simply the way it was always meant to be.

For years Xerox has been buying up dealerships.  Lexmark sold out to a communist country. The toner-dudes jumped to one big ship. Ricoh assimilated Ikon, Canon did Oce, Konica Minolta ate Muratec and ECi is forming the Galactic Empire, collecting software like so many green M&M's.

How will all this impact the everyday salesperson?  How about contracts, sales, and service managers?  Perhaps a radical makeover is in around the corner?

See Your Future in the Past - 

When automotive robots started painting vehicles, some saw this as the end of labor.  The machine possessed advantages over their human predecessors - no vacation, no sick time, or union squabbles with consistent performance.  Formidable, but we survived.

When the PC/Word processor began to erode typewriter sales, receptionists around the globe disappeared within a decade, and we survived.

When Bruce turned into Jennifer, we survived.

We envision the future as we see ourselves: perhaps through the lens of July 1976, or from the perspective of April 2015.  Which is better? Time will tell.

When the world looks back on the Age of Paper, protests, and pontifications lamenting its passing will be nothing more than a footnote.

All I can suggest is in a turbulent world,  knowing who you are, is paramount.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Take The Snowflake Test. My Answers.

This has been floating around LI for months now. 

Kyle Reyes, CEO, The Silent Partner Marketing, has filtered out about 60% of candidates with this simple set of questions.

I like the idea and love that he's been able to create a huge buzz, promoting this simple questionnaire.


Monday, December 18, 2017

22 Suggestions To Save Your Managed Print Services Practice

Kill it.
Chop it up.
Let it dry out.
Use as fertilizer.
Deja Vu: 
a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first timeb : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before 
You're not fooled, are you? You've heard the talking heads. Like those who claimed Trump "would never, ever occupy the White House" - the copier industry has similar know-it-alls.

The establishment talking points are pretty clear:
  • "Talk about the decrease in images only when necessary and in most cases quote decades-old data."
  • "Say anything to make your machines relevant - fabricate rationalizations."
  • "Keep the same processes and 1970's business plan while promoting your new and different business model. "
I know, I know the above doesn't apply to YOUR dealership, does it?  You've been expanding while the rest of the industry tanks.  You're on a 'growth through acquisition' trajectory and your culture is second to nobody's.
  1. Then why do you still consider A3 and A4 different?
  2. Why don't you commission service contracts?
  3. If you're so cutting edge and ahead of the curve, why do you sell MNS or MIT instead of Managed Services?
They're just questions.  

If you're looking to resurrect your MpS, the good news is you recognize a problem - you're not ignorant.

The bad news is, you are probably too late:
  1. Treat A3 and A4 volume the same in every MPS engagement
  2. Comp reps on combined A3/A4 volume
  3. Find the best MPS vendor for your company. HP, LMI, SNi, PrintSolv, whoever.  It doesn't matter, partner with somebody who matches your definition of managed print services.
  4. Roll the MPS infrastructure into Managed IT services
  5. Rename the practice "Managed Services"
  6. Stop calling it 'Managed Print Services'; start referring to Managed Services - even when the only assets under the agreement are output devices
  7. Incorporate an Output Study in every, single network assessment
  8. Rename 'network assessment' to 'Technology Assessment'
  9. Always bill for Technology Assessments
  10. Embed your data collection agent into your network assessment tool
  11. Employe/support a separate team of technicians to service ALL output devices
  12. Separate COMPLETELY, from the existing Service Department
  13. Intake all copier/printer support calls through your IT help desk
  14. Train the Managed Services Team to sell
  15. Fully engage your vendors
  16. Establish Managed Services 'revenue gates' in your sales commission structure
  17. Pay the Managed Services team salaries which make it difficult for them to consider leaving
  18. Pay a monthly residual, for the life of the engagement 
  19. Give the MS manager P/L control and responsibility
  20. Compensate the Managed Services Practice managers based on profit(P/L)
  21. Forget about ALL the copier dealership business models
  22. Establish a direct link between the Managed Services practice and your software/document management division.  This means incorporating end-user, workflow-oriented questions inside every Technology Assessment. (MpS is BPO)
a : a severely disordered state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder
b : doing the same thing, expecting different results
Twenty-two suggestions, points of light in the night sky.  

How, or even if, your organization can connect the dots, is the biggest query.

- DOTC, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sexual Harassment in The Copier Industry. Victim? Call 800.656.4673 (RAINN)

Sexual Harassment -

It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.

Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.

Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).

The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.

You might remember the days of "The Girls of DOTC".  If so,  you remember hesitantly opening a DOTC post in the office and rarely, if ever, with the significant other.

For those unfamiliar, this tome was sprinkled with pictures of copiers adorned with vixen-ladies, scantily clad and in interesting poses.  As a result, clicks(mouse, not image) went through the roof.  To some surprise, after the pictures grabbed attention, visitors read; the average time on a post edged over the 5 minutes. 

The Death of The Copier was off and running. We, YOU, had a microphone to the realm as well as pretty pictures.

During the apogee of viewership, I was approached by a high executive from one of our largest OEMs.  She was distraught, nearly in tears and explained, "we need a voice like yours...but those pictures remind me of all I've had to endure because of this industry..."

She told me how so often she'd climbed the corporate ladder in spite of sexual advances and harassment.  How the pictures on my blog reminded her of so many painful memories.

I was taken back - my intent was to jazz up the blog.  To bring something different to our boring industry.  I never wanted embarrass, insult or harass.  I felt like shit.  It took about three and a half hours to remove or replace images.

Are you a victim of Sexual Harassment? Call 800.656.4673 for support.

Today, 2017, sexual harassment is all over the newsfeeds and I've been noodling on how to comment.  I guess there's really just one way to say it:

There are sexist pigs and sexual harassers in our industry.  Yes, I know other industries suffer leches.  Yes, I know this is a male dominated environment. I am not talking about consensual relationships between two adults who happen to be married to other people, this isn't that kind of moral judgement.

I am saying, there are men in our niche who use their position of power to gain sexual pleasure from subordinates. 

I'm saddened to say this, but, if your boss, owner, or manager snuggles up to 'steals a kiss' at Christmas party - that's harassment.  Even if, at the time, you acquiesce, it is still harassment.

More than a third (35 percent) of American women say they’ve been sexually harassed or abused in the workplace, according to a recent poll by PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist.

I wonder what our ratio looks like.

Here's another thing - for each boss, dealership owner, manager, and VP who sexually harass, there is a crew of enablers:  the HR department that ignores the reports, the personal secretary who arranges travel plans, or that cigar-smoking boys club meeting in Vegas every year at ITEX.  Enablers.

Men.  What should you do if you witness sexual harassment?  Here are three recommendations from Nick Douglas over at LifeHacker:

1. Say something in the moment. Take the risk of saying “That’s gross” or “I’m not OK with this.” If you’re uncomfortable with how someone else is treated, you’re not just standing for their rights, you’re standing for your own. And a sexual harasser will have a harder time dismissing a complaint backed by a third party, especially another man’s.

2. Write things down. Keep a log of behavior so that if you report things to a superior or HR, you have facts to discuss, and aren’t left vaguely describing a “creepy vibe.” This also means “keeping receipts”—logs and screencaps of offensive chats and emails.

3. Consult with the victim. Give them as much control as possible, while taking the responsibility to act. Ask if they’re OK with you reporting the harassment, and how they’d feel most comfortable: if you use their name or not, or if they want to report together, with you as a witness.

Good source here, How Men Can Help Stop Sexual Harassment at Work

There was a day when men would defined the honor of ANY woman.  Where have all the Cowboys Gone?

I mean seriously.  There is no way this happens without a wink and a nod from other men.  This isn't a club, it isn't something to be proud of or participate.  These are daughters, sisters, mothers, colleagues and friends.  Its more than a moral question, it is right vs. wrong. Using power over a subordinate for sexual gratification is wrong and gross.

If you need sex, earn it.  If your going to be a cheater, hell, be a cheater. The second you leverage your position as a boss over somebody, is the second you move from cheating dog to scumbag criminal.  Bill Clinton was wrong.  He is a criminal but Hillary enabled for decades and his staff supported his disgusting habit for years.

Don't be Bill.  Don't be Hillary.  Check out the song Drunk Girl, and be a man.


The List, so far(11/2017) of the men accused since the Weinstein accusations emerged:


Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios, has been accused of sexual harassment by producer Isa Dick Hackett, according to the New York Times. He has since resigned.

Andy Signore, creator of Screen Junkies and the popular “Honest Trailers” series, has been accused of sexual harassment by at least five women, according to Variety. He has since been fired by Defy Media.

Ben Affleck has been accused of groping actress Hilarie Burton on the set of MTV’s TRL in the early-2000’s, according to CNN. Affleck has since apologized.

Bob Weinstein, super producer and brother of Harvey, has been accused of sexual harassment by Amanda Segel, an executive producer of the Weinstein Co.-produced TV series The Mist, according to Variety. A Weinstein representative has since denied the charge.

Matt Mondanile, the former guitarist for the band Real Estate, has been accused by several women of sexual misconduct, according to SPIN. Mondanile has since denied any wrongdoing.

Oliver Stone has been accused by actress Carrie Stevens of groping her at a party once. She tweeted this allegation in response to Stone tepidly defending Weinstein in the early aftermath of the charges against him.

James Toback, director of films such as Black and White, has been accused by literally hundreds of women of a range of sexual harassments,
according to Los Angeles Times. He has since vehemently denied the charges, while Beverly Hills police have launched an investigation whose scope includes both Toback and Harvey Weinstein.

Lockhart Steele, the creator of popular websites such as Curbed and Racked, has been accused of sexual harassment by a former Vox employee, according to Variety. Vox has since fired Steele.

Mark Halperin, the reporter, author, and media personality, has been accused of sexual harassment by several women going back many years, according to CNN. He has admitted to some misconduct, although his account is in dispute, and he has since been dropped by several of his employers, including NBC News, MSNBC, and HBO.

Andrew Kramer, the Lionsgate executive, has been accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant, according to Vulture. He has since been dropped.

Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize-winning author and human-rights advocate has been accused of groping a 19-year-old in 1989, according to Salon. Wiesel passed away in 2016 and is thus unable to confirm or deny the account.

Leon Wieseltier, formerly an editor at The New Republic, has been accused by several female colleagues of sexual harassment, according to the New York Times. Wiseltier has admitted to some “offenses” and funding has since been pulled from the new magazine he had planned to launch.

Twiggy Ramirez a/k/a Jeordie White, the bassist from Marilyn Manson has been accused of rape, according to Variety. He has since been fired from the band.

Tyler Grasham, the Hollywood agent, has been accused of sexual assault and sodomy by actor Tyler Cornell, who has also filed a police report, according to Variety. Grasham has since been fired by his agency, ACA.

Ethan Kath, the producer/performer behind Crystal Castles has been accused by former bandmate Alice Glass of sexual assault, according to the Guardian. Kath denies the allegations.

Chris Savino, the creator of Nickelodeon’s The Loud House, has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment, according to Deadline. He has since been fired from the show.

Knight Landesman, the Artforum publisher and a power broker in the art world, has been accused of sexual harassment by at least nine women, who have filed a joint lawsuit, according to the New York Times. Landesman has since resigned from Artforum.

Robert Scoble, the veteran tech blogger who has worked with Fast Company before, has been accused of sexual assault and also misconduct, according to The Verge. In a recent blog post, Scoble disputes the accusations.

George H.W. Bush, the former president, has been accused by several women of groping them while making a bad joke, according to the Chicago Tribune. (Punchline: “David Cop-a-Feel.”) Rather than denying the charges, Bush has issued a statement through his spokesperson, introducing the world to the concept of a “good-natured” groping.

Kevin Spacey, the star of Netflix’s House of Cards, has been accused by actor Anthony Rapp of making unwanted sexual advances when Rapp was 14 years old, according to BuzzFeed. Spacey released a statement claiming he was drunk and did not remember the encounter, and Netflix has since suspended production on the sixth season of House of Cards. (Update: several employees on House of Cards have said that Spacey made the show a toxic environment, with one employee outright accusing him of assault. Netflix has since severed all ties with Spacey and is considering killing off his character and moving ahead with the announced sixth and final season of the show.)

Jeremy Piven, the actor most famous for his role on HBO’s Entourage, has been accused by actress Ariane Bellamar of groping her on multiple accusations during the filming of that show, according to Business Insider. Piven has denied the allegations.

Hamilton Fish V, the publisher of The New Republic, has been accused by multiple female employees of sexual harassment, according to the New York Post. He has since taken a leave of absence.

Andy Dick, the famously assault-prone comedic performer, has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple people on the set of the indie film, Raising Buchanan, according to Vulture. He has since been fired from the film.

Brett Ratner, the director behind hits such as Rush Hour, has been accused by six women of a number of sexual offenses, according to the Los Angeles Times. Ratner’s lawyer has disputed these accounts.

Dustin Hoffman, the veteran actor from films like The Graduate and Tootsie, has been accused of sexually harassing Anna Graham when she was a 17-year-old production assistant in 1985, according to People.

Michael Oreskes, a top editor at NPR, has been accused by multiple women of sexual harassment, according to CNN. He has since resigned.

David Guillod, a manager and producer on films like Atomic Blonde, has been accused by actress Jessica Barth of sexual assault. Barth originally raised her allegation in 2012, but Guillod threatened to sue her if she proceeded. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Barth is now ready to press charges.

Adam Venit, an agent at WME, has been cited as the unnamed person Terry Crews referred to in a viral series of tweets about being groped by “a high-level Hollywood executive,” according to Variety. Venit has since taken a leave of absence.

David Corn, editor and chief executive at Mother Jones, is being investigated for inappropriate workplace behavior, according to Politico. The investigation stems from a pair of newly surfaced emails from 2014 and 2015, which detail offensive jokes and unwelcome touching of female staffers.

Steven Seagal, star of ’90s action films such as Under Siege, has been accused of sexual harassment by actresses Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies, and Rae Dawn Chong, according to Jezebel and other sources.

Ed Westwick, an actor best known for his work on Gossip Girl, has been accused by two women of rape, according to New York Magazine’s The Cut. Westwick denies the charges, and LAPD is investigating.

Louis CK, one of the most popular comedians in the world, has been accused by five women of forcing them to watch him masturbate. The public allegations follow years of quiet but persistent speculation.

Jann Wenner, the iconic publisher of Rolling Stone, has been accused of sexual misconduct by freelance writer Ben Ryan, according to BuzzFeed.

Eddie Berganza, Group Editor of DC Comics, has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women, including former employees, according to BuzzFeed. DC Entertainment has since fired Berganza.

Gary Goddard, a film producer, has been accused by actor Anthony Edwards of molesting him over a period of years in the late-1970s, starting when Edwards was just 12 years old. The allegation emerged in a Medium post penned by Edwards.

Jesse Lacy, frontman for the band Brand New, has been accused of sexual misconduct by a minor 15 years ago, soliciting nude photographs from a woman who was 15 when Lacy was 24, according to NME. Lacy has since apologized for the misconduct.

Matthew Weiner, the writer and director most known for creating the show Mad Men, has been accused of sexual harassment by former Mad Men writer Kater Gordon, according to The Information. Weiner has since denied the charge.

Richard Dreyfuss, has been accused of sexual harassment over a period of years in the mid-1980’s by writer Jessica Teich, according to New York Magazine. Dreyfuss has since denied “exposing” himself to Teich, but confirms that he did try to kiss her and seduce her in a manner he now regrets.

George Takei, legendary actor and internet personality most famous for his role on Star Trek, has been accused of sexual assault by former model Scott R. Bruton, stemming from an incident that occurred in 1981. Takei has since denied the allegation.

Andrew Kreisberg, show runner on The Flash, has been accused of sexual harassment by a young female writer on the show. Kreisberg has since been suspended by Warner Brothers TV, according to Deadline.

Tom Sizemore, star of such films as Saving Private Ryan, has been accused of molesting an 11-year old girl on the set of a film in 2003, according to The Hollywood Reporter. According to the report, the actor was kicked off of the set after this incident, although he later filmed some additional scenes. Sizemore has declined to comment.

Mark Schwahn, showrunner on One Tree Hill, has been accused of sexual harassment by several members of the cast and crew of that show, according to Variety. Update: Schwahn has since been accused of sexual harassment by several members of the cast and crew of The Royals, where Schwahn had been serving as showrunner until recently. (He was suspended after the One Tree Hill allegations emerged last week.)

Jeffrey Tambor, Emmy Award-winning star of Transparent, has been accused of sexual harassment by an actress and a crew member from the show, according to Deadline. He has since denied the accusations and parted ways with the show.

Matt Zimmerman, Senior Vice President of Booking for News & Entertainment at NBC, has been accused of inappropriate conduct with two women in the News division, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Zimmerman has since been fired.

Al Franken, the Minnesota senator and erstwhile comedy writer, has been accused of unwanted kissing and groping by a reporter, Leeann Tweeden, stemming from an incident that took place in 2006, according to The New York Times. The groping allegedly occurred while Tweeden was asleep, and a photo taken at the time supports her account. Update: at least five more women have since come forward with similar accusations against Franken.

Sylvester Stallone, the actor and director most famous for creating the character Rocky Balboa, has been accused of sexually assaulting a minor in 1986, according to The Daily Mail. Through a representative, Stallone denies any wrongdoing.

Murray Miller, a writer formerly of HBO’s Girls, has been accused of sexually assaulting actress Aurora Perrineau, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Miller adamantly denies the charge.

Glenn Thrush, a star political reporter for The New York Times, has been accused of inappropriate behavior by several younger female reporters, according to Vox. Although Thrush has since downplayed what he’s been accused of, The New York Times has suspended him pending an investigation.

Charlie Rose, the longtime television host, has been accused by eight women of sexual harassment. The Washington Post reports that over a period over more than 20 years, Rose allegedly made unwanted sexual advances toward women who worked at PBS’s Charlie Rose show. They allege he made lewd phone calls, groped them, and walked around naked in front of them. Rose (who also works for CBS) has issued an apology in which he acknowledges his “inappropriate behavior” while also questioning whether “all of these allegations are accurate.” PBS and Bloomberg LP have suspended distribution of Charlie Rose, and CBS has suspended Rose while the network investigates the claims.

John Lasseter, head of Disney Animation, is taking a leave of absence from Pixar. He announced the decision as The Hollywood Reporter prepared to publish a story in which several former and current colleagues allege that Lasseter engaged in a pattern of sexual harassment. One longtime Pixar employee claims that Lasseter was known for “grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes.” Lasseter released a memo to his staff in which he acknowledged his “missteps” and apologized if staffers who had received “an unwanted hug” felt he crossed the line.

Nick Carter, member of the Backstreet Boys, has been accused of sexual assault by Melissa Schuman, a singer from the pop band Dream. In a blog post, Schuman, 33, alleges that Carter raped her and forced her to perform and receive oral sex when she was 18. Carter denied the allegations in a statement to People.

Matt Lauer, host of The Today Show, has been fired for sexual misconduct, , according to NBC News, following an internal review. A comprehensive New York Times investigation has reportedly been underway for weeks, and may be surfacing soon.

Garrison Keillor, radio producer and former host of long-running show A Prairie Home Companion, has been fired by Minnesota Public Radio for “improper conduct” with a female colleague, according to The New York Times. Keillor has admitted to running his hand up a female colleague’s bare back through her open shirt.

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other countries, has been accused of sexual misconduct by two women–first by model Keri Claussen Khalighi, and then screenwriter Jenny Lumet–according to The Hollywood Reporter. Although Simmons initially denied any wrongdoing when Khalighi came forward, he now says he is stepping down from his businesses.

Israel Horovitz, a veteran playwright, has been accused of sexual conduct by nine women, according to The New York Times. Horovitz has apologized ” to any woman who has ever felt compromised by my actions.”

Bruce Weber, the venerable fashion photographer, has been accused of forcefully kissing and groping a male model, according to the New York Post.

Dylan Howard, the top editor for the National Enquirer, Us Weekly and other major gossip publications, has been accused of sexual misconduct by several former employees, according to the Associated Press.

James Levine, legendary Metropolitan Opera conductor, has been accused of molesting a teenage boy for a period of years in the 1980s, according to the New York Post. He has since been suspended by the Met.

John Hockenberry, a now-retired public radio icon, has been accused of sexual harassment by several female colleagues, as well as a guest of his radio show, Suki Kim, according to a report Kim wrote for New York Magazine’s The Cut.

Leonard Lopate and Johnathan Schwartz, two longtime hosts at WNYC, have been put on leave effectively immediately pending investigations into allegations of inappropriate conduct, according to WNYC.

Jon Heely, the director of music publishing at Disney, has been charged with child sex abuse against two young girls about a decade ago, according to Variety. Heely’s attorney has denied the charges.

Mario Batali, world famous chef, has been accused by four women, three of whom once worked for him, of inappropriate touching over the last two decades, according to Eater. Batali has said the allegations “match up” with ways he has behaved, and he has since stepped away from his empire.

Ryan Lizza, a star reporter for The New Yorker, has been let been go by the magazine for engaging in improper sexual contact, according to The Daily Beast. Lizza has not yet commented.


Donald Trump. At least 15 women have come forward with a wide range of accusations against Trump, ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior around women. Of the women, 13 say Trump attacked them directly and two others say they witnessed behavior that made them uncomfortable. All the alleged incidents took place prior to his assuming the presidency.

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Bittel — Accused of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior toward a number of women, Bittel resigned. Meanwhile, Democratic state Sen. Jeff Clemens resigned after a report that he had an extramarital affair with a lobbyist, and Republican state Sen. Jack Latvala is being investigated by the Senate over allegations of harassment and groping. Latvala has denied the allegations.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) — Accused of sexual harassment toward staffers in his office, and has settled one claim of harassment. He has denied the allegations, even the one he settled.

Two Minnesota state lawmakers — Democratic Sen. Dan Schoen and Republican Rep. Tony Cornish — said they would resign after they were accused of misdeeds that ranged from groping colleagues to persistent unwanted sexual advances and sexting.

British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon — Accused of inappropriate advances on two women, the Conservative resigned. Sexual harassment and assault allegations have also emerged against a number of other U.K. political figures. Labour Party legislator Carl Sargeant is believed to have taken his own life after harassment allegations cost him his post as the Welsh government's Cabinet secretary for communities and children. He had asked for an independent inquiry to clear his name.

Also, Labour Party member Ivan Lewis has been suspended over an allegation of sexual misconduct; Lewis disputed the account but apologized if his behavior had been "unwelcome or inappropriate."

Kentucky House Speaker Jeff Hoover — Stepped down as speaker this month after news surfaced that the Republican had settled a sexual harassment claim from a GOP caucus staffer. Hoover denied the harassment allegation but said he sent consensual yet inappropriate text messages. He remains in the Legislature.

U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (R.-Ala.) —Accused of sexually assaulting two women decades ago when they were teenagers; about a half-dozen other women have accused Moore of inappropriate conduct. The former state Supreme Court chief justice denies the allegations. He has rebuffed pressure from national Republican leaders to step aside; the state GOP is standing by him.

Johnny Anderson, a staffer for Democratic Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards — The deputy chief of staff for programs and planning resigned to avoid becoming a "distraction" to the governor. Accused of sexual harassment, he denies any wrongdoing.


"Drunk Girl"

Couple of cover charge stamps got her hand looking like a rainbow
In and out of every bar on a whim just like the wind blows
She's either a bachelorette or coming off a breakup
Take a drunk girl home

She's bouncing like a pinball
Singing every word she never knew
Dancing with her eyes closed like she's the only one in the room
Her hairs a perfect mess, falling out of that dress
Take a drunk girl home

Take a drunk girl home
Let her sleep all alone
Leave her keys on the counter your number by her phone
Pick up her life she threw on the floor
Leave the hall lights on walk out and lock the door
That's how she knows the difference between a boy and man
Take a drunk girl home

You leave her drive for a dive
You get something bad to eat
They're singing closing time at that little bar across the street
Then two by two strangers and lovers headed for the covers hooking up
That TV in your two bedroom sounds turned off
Through the paper thin walls you can hear the neighbor's cigarette cough
There's a million things you could be doing, but there's one thing you're damn sure glad you did

Take a drunk girl home
Let her sleep all alone
Leave her keys on the counter your number by the phone
Pick up her life she threw on the floor
Leave the hall lights on walk out and lock the door
That's how you know the difference in a boy and man
Take a drunk girl home

Took a drunk girl home
In the sober light of dawn
She left you a message she thanked you on the phone
Cause you picked up her life she threw on the floor
You left the hall lights on walked out and locked the door
That's how she knows the difference between a boy and man
Take a drunk girl home

You took a drunk girl home
Take a drunk girl home

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Your Company Doesn't Need a #Copier

All you need is a scanner.

You know you aren't copying as much as you once had been.

WE know you aren't copying as often, too. Heck, we've known for decades you rarely, if ever, copy or print on tabloid, 11x17. So why have we been selling you devices capable of melting plastic on larger sheets of dead tree matter?

Because bigger machines look more impressive, that's why. You've been fooled into believing 'those little printers can't keep up with the bigger copiers...' You've been lied to.

Here's why we've been overselling you for decades:

More sales commission - Entry-level salespeople are compensated on REVENUE. Bigger devices have bigger price tags supporting larger commissions.

Manufacturers quotas - Dealers purchase toner and parts from the manufacturers (OEMs) they sell. These OEMs contract a certain number of devices to be purchased monthly. When a provider fails to meet these commitments, the manufacturer will the cost of toner and parts, thereby reducing margins on the bread and butter of EVERY copier dealer-service contract.

Cheaper cost per image - This issue is especially evil because it is based on truth. Copiers have a less expensive cost per image. Meaning, you'll pay less for USING a copier vs. printing on a traditional printer. If your volumes are in the 10k/emp range, this is a consideration. When calculating YOUR true cost per image, roll in the amortized equipment or machine lease cost into your service cost.

More retail value - Tricky issue, this. Let's just say the retail(which nobody ever charges) value of a device can determine how much soft costs can be shoved into your equipment lease. "Soft cost" is defined as anything from existing buyout figures, software & installation costs, or profit.

Reasons you don't need a copier:

You don't copy any more

At one point in history, employees generated about 10,000 images a month on copiers and printers - this was a per-employee figure.

Today, employees can generate NO images per month let alone copy. Look at your processes. Do you email invoices? Do you accept online payment? Do you still make copies of every invoice you receive?

You never print on 11x17

One of the determining factors when deciding to buy a copier is paper size - original and finished. In the olden days, books and manuals were routinely copied. "Book Copy" was a standard or sought-after feature. A scanner the size of 11x17 was convenient but a bigger scanner means bigger rollers and trays. More power consumption for larger bulbs. Almost twice the size of a 'little printer' - with twice the manufacturing costs.

We knew this. But it was easy to see 'bigger is better and good for everyone on this side of the table.

Paper is slow

Chances are your competition is looking into automating manual processes like Accounts Payables/Receivable. Nobody looks to invest in software to save trees. Your business is nimble and responsive and paper-based business functions are slower and more apt to mistakes than digitized processes.

Are you moving at the speed of thought or the speed of paper?

In the end, the market will determine winners and losers - somebody somewhere will need or require copiers. Indeed, right now there is somebody purchasing buggy-whips.

But you don't ride a horse to work, do you?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The #LastCopierSold

Everything dies, baby that's a fact, but just because something doesn't last forever, doesn't mean it wasn't perfect.  Proclaimed back in 2011, the fading of managed print services continues.  Don't believe me?  

Ask your customers/prospects and you'll hear the truth. Whispers from the Abyss:

  • "We've really cut back on the number of printers and copiers we use."
  • "We don't print as much."
  • "We once had a copier on every floor and printers at each desk.  We don't anymore."
I could go on - hell, if you're in the field and honest, YOU can add to the above list.

So here it is - what follows is a list of industry influencers and players with reflections and status according to DOTC.

The year is 2017; just about 10 years after managed print services arrived on the scene. Much has changed.

Hollywood Has Been F*cked for Decades(Literally and Figuratively)

Last night, I was scrolling through XM and came upon an oration that caught my ear. The host was articulating his experiences with the Hollywood elites/liberals.

I spent some 12 years on the coast and loved every second of it. I did find it odd that the land of Regan and Nixon had so many conservative 'haters'.

And "hate" is the right word.

At one Christmas party, high in the San Bernardino mountains, the hostess went on to explain how she wished, "President Bush would die." Over and over she said this - so often that I felt threatened by the President. I skirted around the issues at hand, the Iraq War, and tried to discuss the food, the drink, the Christmas tree, or the weather - anything but the politics of the day.

She wasn't having it.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Yes, paper-less offices are real. "And they're Spectacular."


In an episode of Seinfeld, Jerry's gorgeous new girlfriend's lovely breasts become the subject of conjecture; are they real or implants. Elaine thinks they're fake so Jerry decides not to see her again. Elaine changes her mind after tripping and falling into the ample bosom. 

Again, the "paperless office will never exist" debate is grabbing headlines and copy.  Good stuff, if not factually spun.

I've been face-to-face with organizations that significantly reduced the number of copiers, printers, and reams of paper utilized.  
  • A major retail company went from 100 or so devices to 10
  • Health network(s) go from huge file rooms to no filing cabinets at all
  • Manufactures shifted away from paper-based job jackets to digital files
These companies didn't feel compelled to save the trees or Chewbaccas.  Prospects tell me they squeeze paper out of the process because "paper slows everything."

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated