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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Far from an HP Fanboy, but...Have you seen their Managed Print Services Push?

"HP Sucks"

One might say, "I haven't seen office technology advancements like these since Panasonic."

Far from an HP Fanboy, but - there is more data-based content about Managed Print Services, and the Hybrid environment in one marketing piece than the rest of the OEMs, combined.

Yeah, I know HP thinks EVERYBODY  is their customer and yes working with them can be tiresome.

But not only is HP a player, but they are also still the biggest guy on the block.  Who in their right mind would square off against Blue in the A4 market?

Regardless.  MPS Deniers take note.

Maverrik – LinkedIn marketing, campaigns

I first met the folks from Maverrick on LinkedIN and sat in on many live streams.  

They know how to maneuver and leverage the platform that we all know - LinkedIn.  They didn't simply bolt a LI value proposition to their legacy sales training; they magnified existing training, focusing on remote, social, and face-to-face selling.

Everything from show prep to background colors. These people from across the pond, have it going.

Check them out.

Tell them I sent you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

ISN-Partners Launches Augmented Reality (AR) Sessions

London, UK, July 2022 – ISN-Partners has expanded its innovative workflow and digitization support platform, 2CLIXZ, which automates the Customer-Dealer communication by adding Augmented Reality.

With 2CLIXZ, new workers and seasoned technicians can remotely assess a situation and guide to resolution using a suite of augmented reality tools via mobile devices.  Technicians and experts can be in two places at once.

“Our software solution address some of the biggest needs for customers – quickly and efficiently opening service tickets, and easily take care of simple hardware challenges,” says Jan De Kesel, “studies show 33% of field service calls require expert advice from remote resources and talking over the phone is ineffective. Our platform is designed to resolve this situation.”

2CLIXZ augmented reality redefines the interactions between machinery, equipment, and humans while reducing travel required for legacy service & repair operations. Technicians are empowered to provide remote support with video calls to do a preliminary check of the issue and maybe solve it.

2CLIXZ is available in the US for resale through various distribution channels and we are actively seeking dealers.

Office technology, output device, and workflow solutions resellers will reduce hiring and travel expense and shorten the training timeframe.  Establish a digital business model with improved service and reduced environmental impact.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Week 11 - Amazon Robots, Coffee & Gaming

Walt's Spin

Slow week as the country roasts in the weather, inflation soars, gasoline prices pushing six bucks a gallon and it is still difficult to find good help.

Amazon is hiring new robots. We've covered this in the past - unionization and lack of labor are pressuring all labor-based businesses to consider alternatives to humans. Unions are experiencing a temporary bump bringing robotic workforces into the spotlight and on the shop floor.

Many workers who once decorated their space at HQ, have experienced the wonders of working from the spare room or remodeled basement. But they have also discovered a world outside the living room - coffee houses.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Greg Walters, Inc./DOTC & All Associates Reignite Relationship

 The DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem Expands R&D Division

Plotting the Data-Based Course Into a World Without...

Our crack team of researchers, data scientists, investigators, and web-surfers have been enhanced - dare I say, 'augmented'.  

We've rekindled an alliance with a company known by the biggest players in the industry.  Their computational analyses comprise more than 1,000 variable elements and scientific approach has been referenced in thousands of client engagements. 

I've worked with All Associates Group on many projects from Mayo to Mission Health - indeed, back in the IKON days, their analytical engine was available to every salesperson in the company.  The cream of the crop professionals engaged the tool often, with resounding results.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Disco Music is Music

It looked like a nifty little "today in music history" article but turned out to be a racially charged, re-write of history. 

Forty years ago today, a packed Comiskey Park hosted a White Sox doubleheader with the Detroit Tigers. Between games, "Disco Demolition Night" 

And it was all about Disco music vs. Rock n Roll. 

The 'movement' was nothing more than a marketing plan to attract more listeners and attendees - not, as this writer claims, 
"...the seminal events in music history, reflecting the homophobic and racist backlash to a music genre with roots in gay and racial minority communities..." - 
What a crock. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Walt's Weekly Words, Week 10, June 17

Walt's Spin

It is almost deja vu, all over again as the conference and corporate meetings season kicks in across the fruited plain. It's great to get together face to face, I just hope everything doesn't go back to what it was: An Echo Chamber of back-slapping, hand-gladding, and gibberish.

Reports lead me to believe that indeed we are being guided to 'the way things used to be' but as always, the conversation between and after sessions is more enlightening. Other than becoming a 'super-spreader', the get-togethers ring nostalgic.

Speaking of nostalgia, a Xerox retiree regales us with legends of early color copiers - a reverse engineered, 3M knock-off. Back then, as you can imagine, color copiers were a thing of the future.
Elon is at it again, mouthing off against work from home. To be fair, his environment is perfect for all employees to be under one roof. Tesla fights for survival every single day, and when in the foxhole, one doe not want to look right and see a smiling face on a screen.

Not to be outdone, Microsoft reflects on a just-published study in Nature Human Behavior analyzing communications data of 61,000 Microsoft employees.

"Based on previous research, we believe that the shift to less 'rich' communication media may have made it more difficult for workers to convey and process complex information."

You can guess where this is going, can't you?

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Tigerpaw Talks July 13, 3PM EST

Learn about the Leading Influencer of Infrastructure, in the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem.

Leaving Old Waters: Charting a new and profitable course 

If you think you’re stuck with a business management platform and provider that makes you miserable, you won’t want to miss this event. 

Join Tigerpaw CEO James Foxall and VP of Customer Success Trevor Moses on Wednesday, July 13 at 3pm ET to learn:
  • How office equipment dealers win with Tigerpaw’s investment in some of the top talent and partnerships in the industry 
  • Exciting new ways to automate your business that aren’t even an option with your current platforms 
  • How using one ERP to manage all your lines of business powers growth, even in a challenging economy 
Register here

Saturday, July 2, 2022

What Big Data Says About Psychedelics

Interesting article.  Mind-altering substances, medical treatments, and big data.

Scientists are aiming artificial intelligence at the puzzle that is our brains.

  • Research using natural-language processing tools in machine learning is helping us understand conscious awareness and how drugs alter it.
  • Mental health conditions may be the price we humans pay for the huge evolutionary advantage of having a default mode network.
  • Psychedelics may work by lifting the filters of sensory input essential to DMN processes.

The default mode network - 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Walt's Weekly Word, Week 9, June 10

PLayboy, Tigerpaw, More Vinyl than Downloads, Buying Less Crap, & Shrinkage

Walt's Spin

This week there's, even more, #WorkFromAnywhere content, the first DOTPE Leadership Influencer, #Tigerpaw, is revealed, we're all buying less crap, and TikTok is full of back-to-office mockery.

"Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot, Best Buy and most every other retailer are having their own mismatch of supply and demand..."

Speaking of selling, we all hate cold calls. Don't lie, you do. The worst thing about cold calls isn't the dialing, it's WASTEFUL dialing. There is a better way, it 'costs' more, shrinks lists from 10,000 to 500, and increases pick-up rates to as high as 90%+. 

Nobody is saying 'Cold calling is Dead...' there are just better ways.

"So unless you have some physical item, what's in it for the customer to meet in person on an initial meeting?"

From LinkedIn, 2022

Dynamic Rick Lambert asked:


Do you have an answer?

Thursday, June 30, 2022

“Why Tigerpaw One is the Leading Influencer, Infrastructure” Greg Walters, the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem

The Infrastructure Influence includes ECi, Forza, and Tigerpaw One.

The grading system is simple: What Influencer would I recommend to a client building or changing an existing program. The client could be a provider or the ultimate consumer.

I’ve evaluated hundreds of components and teams over the decades assembling tech solutions that help reduce costs, increase sales, or eliminate inefficiencies. Through this lens of experience, I evaluate each Influencer over approximately 20 data points.

There are no losers. Just being an Influencer in the DOTPE is an accomplishment.

For Tigerpaw One:

The Americans. Byron McGregor, Detroit, 1973

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Thoughts of the Day: Webinars, Meta, Alphabet, Websites, Rush, E*Com, Hybrid is a Caste

I originally posted on LinkedIN:

Thoughts of the day:
  • Webinars are dying, stop doing them...
  • Facebook/Meta is on the trail of AoL
  • Google/Alphabet is the next AskJeeves
  • Fancy, expensive websites are on the other side of the bell curve
  • Livestreaming is the best thing to happen to radio since Rush
  • EComm's uniqueness is fading; any high school student can stand up your "online ordering page"
  • Hybrid work is worse than either full-plantation or full-remote

Great response and queries from Brian Ruiz:

What is the World's Safest Output Device, in the World.

Security is a big, big issue. Connected assets can be open to all sorts of 'StuxNet' type threats.

IT ignores printers. They are more pain to manage than end-users; two asset types IT would rather not deal with.

With this in mind, what is the most secure copier or printer?

The one you never purchase.

Eight Firms Recognized as Influencers of Merit - Sales Acquisition.

Greg Walters, Inc. Recognizes the Top Sales Acquisition Influencers for the Copier & Managed Print Services Niche

Monday, June 20, 2022

Walt's Weekly Words: Week 8, June 3 The #Xerox Email Heard Around the World

Walt's Spin

Personal note.

This is the 8th iteration of WWW and thanks to an interesting two months, this little experiment is catching on. It's simple really, what interests me might interest you and the interwebs are flooded with so much content sifting through to relevant and engaging content is daunting.

I'll continue to filter and comment for a few more weeks and see what the future reveals. In the meantime, if you like the content, comment, and forward along. If you're not a subscriber, go ahead and sign up.

I'm not sure where this will end up, but I'm having a good time so far.




This week, Elon gives us the middle digit. The #WFA movement continues, evolving into a status-quo. Both sides are presenting their arguments but fewer office workers is a reality.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

#Xerox Steps Into It Big Time - The Letter Read Around the World

It hasn't happened often especially starting on a Friday and going through a weekend - and a holiday weekend. I posted an image on LinkedIn Friday afternoon with these simple words, "...going to leave this right here...".

By early evening, the post had acquired over a thousand views. By the end of the holiday weekend, over six thousand folks had perused the leaked letter from Xerox.

As of today, the simple post has been shared 13 times, generated 23 comments, and 134 reactions, and been viewed over 21,000 times; up from last night's 18,293. 

Furthermore, our team of crack statisticians has digested numbers provided by LinkedIn to come up with these dynamic analytics:

  1. Roughly 21% of the viewers are from Xerox with 47% coming from a combined collection of Xerox competitors.

  2. 69% of readers are either salespeople or at the executive director level

A big slice of onlookers checked in from the eastern United States; from New York City to Atlanta - there was a healthy contingent from the Greater Sydney area - I love it down under.

The sad part is, you know this conversation has been had in boardrooms all over the globe in every industry. Xerox was just unlucky the word escaped into the 'Verse.

...They can never stop the signal.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Prospecting on LinkedIn: Does it Pay?

When I first joined LinkedIn, back in the stone age circa 2008, I appreciated the nascent application at the same level as My Space, America Online and Twitter. Back then, LinkedIn was an environment for recruiters and the unemployed. Salespeople rarely engaged with prospects or customers online.  I joined because it seemed interesting.

Today, things are very different.  Indeed, since COVID-19 and Microsoft’s purchase, the still-strong recruitment application has become a singular business-to-business platform.

According to some LinkedIn business statistics:
  • There are 57M+ companies listed on LinkedIn.
  • 73% of buyers are more likely to consider a brand if the salesperson reaches out via LinkedIn.
  • There are more than 10,000 B2B software product pages on LinkedIn.
  • There was an increase of 110% in confirmed hires year-over-year in...
Read the rest, here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Constitution of the United States of America & #StarTrek

Some say the current version of Star Trek is edgy and inclusive and diverse. 

Some say Discovery is revolutionary and Strange New Worlds is fresh - truly examples of the "history didn't start until after I was born" generations. 

Alas, The Original Star Trek, TOS as it is referred to from 'Trekkers' not "Trekkies" is still the purest version in the canon.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Walt's Weekly Words: Week 7 - Growing Skin on Robots, FABs are the Key, Gasoline Prices, The Job Exodus Continues, GenX Has Demands, & West and Greg Talk Web Stuff

Walt's Spin

This week we explore the high price of gasoline, what GenX and millennials want in a job, robot skin, coffee in the USSR, salary raises, chips, and more.

Gas prices are the highest they've ever been, I don't need to tell you that. There is no end in sight. This looks a great deal like the 70s, so history does repeat itself. The 70s brought us the go-go 80s and a massive recovery extending for decades.

The effects are and will continue to be humongous. Every industry moves items by truck and almost every service company keeps technicians on the road.

The supply chain challenges in the chip manufacturing industry continue to forbode. Like oil, chips are fluid and integral to a free-flowing economy. Unlike oil, chips can be manufactured just about anywhere. The current environment has many in the industry considering FAB location more strategically. (FABs are the chip plants and some of the largest are located outside the US, Singapore)

Price Waterhouse reports the great exodus will continue through 2023. A recent study shows increased dissatisfaction with current job status and the grass actually being greener on the other side(at home) as supreme motivators for resigning.

Some 46% of Gen Zers and 45% of millennials reported feeling burned out due to their work environment.

Read the rest, here

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Tigerpaw Software: Leading Influencer, Infrastructure

The First of many: Tigerpaw Software

The DOTPE is designed to help resellers find and establish partnership relationships with proven, innovative, dealer-centric, organizations aligned to deliver the best customer experience possible.

Prospective customers will make more informed decisions when choosing a reseller.

Dealers will have a clear understanding of the most customer-centric, dealer-friendly ecosystem resources to align when building or enhancing go-to-market programs.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Walt's Weekly Words: Week 6, #TwitterBots, #TigerPaw, #MPS Ecosystem, #Bill Gates & #JohnnyCash

Walt's Spin

This week, congress talks about UFO's, retail giants take a major financial hit - no surprise there - Elon fact checks TwitterBots, more recognizing printers as an IT asset, digital connection is personal, there is a new office technology Partnership Ecosystem model, employers start coffee houses in the suburbs to serve employees and of all things, we have a shortage of sand.

It's going to get worse.

The supply chain troubles will devolve on all fronts and in every industry. The fear of Covid19 shutdowns, labor shortages, War, and an overdependence on global suppliers will stymie any recovery for the next 24 to 36 months.
Gas, diesel - Washington D.C. filling stations are updating pumps to handle three digits(ten dollars per gallon).

Read the rest here

Friday, June 3, 2022

The DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem

Put simply, the Ecosystem is a collection of Influencers with a set of Influences on our industry.

In it, we identify the key players in each of the 12 Influences and evaluate them through 20 data points.

Within each Influence, there is at least one Influencer.  We’ve selected your firm as an Influencer and will compare you with other Influencers in your Influence.

Great, what does it mean?  

This is not an echo chamber. The goal is to identify and acknowledge Influencers aligned to provide a superb customer experience to the Ultimate Consumer; businesses in all niches making the digital transformation journey. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Week 5, May 13- #WFH, #AI, #MPS

This week, we've reached the saturation point when it comes to "work from home is here to stay" content. As more folks are getting back to an office of some sort, the meeting room is being redefined, and businesses that evolve with an adaptive workforce own the future.

Read the rest, here.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Greg Walters, Inc. Releases the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem.

12 Influences and Influencers Outlined and Measured in the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem Model
Oconomowoc, Wi. – Greg Walters, Inc. announces the release of the DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem 
(DOTPE) blueprint. The DOTPE identifies 12 Influences that shape the customer experience. Examples of Influences include OEMs, Training firms, Infrastructure, Software Applications, Finance, Toner Suppliers, etc. Within each influence, one or multiple Influencers vie for relevancy and participation in the sales journey. 

This change in perspective is mandated by the current business environment, in which t
he customer journey is no longer transactional, but never-ending. A strong team of niche providers working toward a common goal, with clear and transparent roles, will collaborate and provide a collective and increased value to customers.

“For over a decade, we’ve defined the network of vendors and resellers as the 'Office Technology Landscape.' This view needs an update," said Walters. "In today’s dynamic and turbulent business environment, it is beneficial to establish relationships beyond vendor and reseller.  Companies that utilize partnership ecosystems drive innovation, maximize efficiencies, and bring greater value to their clients."
The group is currently interviewing and evaluating Influencers against 20 data points. The model will highlight and rank relevant firms within each Influence, measuring everything from financial viability to their social footprint.
Through the model, resellers will see how existing relationships stack up and make educated decisions when building or revamping partnerships. The ultimate consumer will compare their existing or future providers against established standards and KPIs.
Technology resellers, and managed IT firms will benefit from the DOTPE by knowing who to review when forming their specific ecosystem.  Prospective clients will gain insight into the quality and effectiveness of their provider when compared to other industry resellers.
The DOTC Office Technology Partnership Ecosystem model is available now at and the evaluation results will be presented throughout the summer.
For more information or to be considered as an Influencer contact 


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Greg Walters, Incorporated