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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Promise and Pitfalls of AI in Improving Our Moral Judgment

Can AI Help Us Be Better People?

We've all heard the hype about AI revolutionizing the world, but what about revolutionizing ourselves? Can AI truly help us become better people? Jon Rueda, a Ph.D. candidate, and La Caixa INPhINIT Fellow at the University of Granada thinks so. In a recent article, he co-wrote with Bianca Rodriguez, they argue that AI can play a role in improving our moral judgment.

In their paper, Rueda and Rodriguez discuss the concept of an AI-based voice assistant, known as the Socratic assistant or SocrAI, which aims to help improve our reasoning and moral decision-making through dialogue. The idea is to emulate the Socratic method and provide guidance on complex moral issues without dictating what is good or bad. However,

What is a "Polycrisis" and Why You Should Care About It

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently released its “Global Risks Report 2023”, warning that eroding geopolitical cooperation will contribute to a potential "polycrisis" of interrelated environmental, geopolitical, and socioeconomic risks relating to the supply of and demand for natural resources. The term "polycrisis" was popularized by historian Adam Tooze and has become a buzzword in the world of business and finance. But what exactly is a "polycrisis" and why should you care about it?

A "Polycrisis" is a concatenation of shocks that generate crises that trigger crises in other systems, making the combined effect far worse than the sum of its parts. The notion of a "polycrisis" is based on the idea that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and complex, making it vulnerable to an interconnected, complex global catastrophe.

Bureaucratic Incompetence: A Deliberate Sabotage or Just Human Failure?

As a writer, I have often gazed upon the intimidating maze of government and corporate entities that control our lives, and wondered what could be the root cause of their perplexing inefficiency. 

Is it due to the human failings of managers and executives, as the theory of The Peter Principle suggests? 

Or is it a result of something more insidious, a product of deliberate sabotage, as hinted at by the declassified Simple Sabotage Field Manual written by the CIA's precursor, the Office of Strategic Services? 

In this article, I delve into the latter possibility, exploring the timeless relevance of the manual's instructions and how they seem to mirror the dysfunctionality that plagues modern-day organizations. Brace yourself for a journey that will make you question the reality of bureaucracy and laugh ruefully at the same time.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Your House of Representatives, "Get Back To Work, You Filthy Animals."

The Future of Federal Work: #WFA vs. In-Office Work

Two things: 
  1. The bill will never be signed, and won't make it out of the House
  2. Once again, the wording insults all of us who currently work from anywhere and those who recently found the #WFA movement more productive and fulfilling.
A summary of the article:

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Walken Away: Record Year for Kentucky Bourbon as Unprecedented Momentum Fuels the Industry

"Spirits are High" in the voice of Christopher Walken

Listen up folks, I've got some good news for ya. The year 2022 was a historic one for the great state of Kentucky, particularly for its signature industry - Bourbon and spirits. And let me tell you, the spirits were high indeed.

Private sector new-location or expansion projects totaled over $2.1 billion in investments and created 700 new jobs for the residents of the Commonwealth. This makes 2022 the best year for the growth of the Kentucky Bourbon industry.

Friday, February 3, 2023

#Raising a Glass to Bourdain: Honoring the Bourbon-Loving Traveler's Legacy

ChatGPT, what did Anthony Bourdain think about bourbon?

Anthony Bourdain was a fan of bourbon and often enjoyed drinking it while traveling and filming his television show, "Parts Unknown." He appreciated the complexity of the flavors and the history of the drink. He often drank it straight or on the rocks, and enjoyed trying different brands and varieties.

Yo, it's Bourdain here, reporting from the heart of bourbon country – Kentucky. I've been traveling the world for years, exploring different cultures and cuisines, but there's something truly special about this place. The Bluegrass State has a lot to be proud of, especially when it comes to its signature industry. And trust me, I know a thing or two about good bourbon.

New to Copier Sales: The Three Levels of Prospects, Part 2

Today we’ll examine the second area of sales genres, the midsized companies, and opportunities.

See Part 1 of this series for an explanation and disclaimer about profiles.

We’ll talk about the midlevel prospects through three dimensions: the approach, the tools, and the expectations.
"Although end users at this level show interest in how your solution works, the pretty colors available, what buttons to push, etc. the real powers that be are looking at solving business problems. They will unconsciously place you in one of two camps: A simple salesperson selling simple tools or a person who has experienced and solved different problems for other companies."

Thursday, February 2, 2023

AI Booms Triggers Legal Battles Over Intellectual Property

The original article, The AI boom is here, and so are the lawsuits, What can Napster tell us about the future? By Peter Kafka  Feb 1, 2023, 10:20am EST

“That was quick: Artificial intelligence has gone from science fiction to novelty to Thing We Are Sure Is the Future. Very, very fast.”

Talks about some of the pitfalls of AI in the form of lawsuits – I forget, what did Shakespeare say about lawyers?

I ran this article through the AI detector and it returned 86% real.

Here is a summary:

My #WorkFromAnywhere Journey Began in #1980. Yours did too.


"Telepresence: The Future of Work From Anywhere Culture"

"Could the future of work involve working from the moon?".

As the world continues to evolve and change, so too does the nature of work. 

With advancements in technology and increasing globalization, the idea of working from anywhere is becoming increasingly feasible. But what if "anywhere" wasn't limited to the confines of planet Earth? Could the future of work involve working from the moon? 

While it may seem far-fetched, the reality is that telepresence technology is making the idea of remote work from space a distinct possibility. 

Marvin Minsky was a visionary. 

Forty-two years ago, he was ahead of his time, with big ideas about technology and science. 

He was a regular contributor to a science and science fiction magazine that was published monthly. This magazine was a unique blend of science fiction and fact, with articles that ranged from in-depth looks at NASA and UFO sightings to quick updates on the latest scientific advancements. Despite its focus on cutting-edge technology and outer space, it surprisingly did not feature any articles about "Star Trek" or "Star Wars."

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Uncertain Times: The Impact of the Economy on the Office Technology Market

Looks like things are starting to heat up for the US consumer with the economy taking a hit. Consumers aren't spending as much money as they used to, and even things like rent, haircuts, and bills aren't really moving the needle. Retail purchases have been down for the past few months and home sales are at a low we haven't seen since 2014. The auto industry is also in trouble with its worst sales year in over a decade.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Elon Musk meets with White House and Republicans to discuss EVs, Social Media

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and Twitter, met with White House officials and top Republicans to discuss issues related to electric vehicles and social media regulation. During the meetings, Mr. Musk expressed concerns over the Biden Administration's support for rival car makers and discussed First Amendment rights on Twitter with Republicans. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Four Categories Of Artificial Intelligence: Impacts Office Technology

The office technology industry is rapidly evolving, and the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly significant role in this transformation. The way in which AI is implemented and utilized is shifting towards data-centric AI, which focuses on enhancing and enriching the data used to train algorithms, model-centric AI, which focuses on improving the AI models themselves, application-centric AI, which focuses on how AI is used in real-world situations, and human-centric AI, which focuses on ensuring that AI is used in a responsible way to avoid harm. These innovations have the potential to drive significant benefits and competitive advantage for early adopters.

Navigating the Hybrid Era: How Companies Can Thrive in the New Normal of Remote and In-Person Work

It's been almost three years since we first started working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And since then, many of us have not returned to our office desks five days a week. This shift towards hybrid work, which combines remote and in-person work, is here to stay and is the biggest change in the way we work in our lifetimes.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Beyond the Cubicle: How WFH is Changing the Dynamics of the Work Spouse Relationship (or How to Survive Sharing a Home Office with Your Work Spouse)

Well, folks, let me tell ya, the 'Work Spouse'
has been around since the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Y'know, back in the days before the Covid-19 pandemic, the office was a breeding ground for interpersonal relationships, and the label 'work spouse' was like a rubber stamp of approval for a third-party 9-5 romance.

NFL and Tech Layoffs

The NFL playoffs and tech layoffs have a lot in common. Both rely heavily on data to guide their decisions, yet both are still prone to making mistakes due to psychological biases.

Take the story of Brock Purdy, a quarterback who was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers as the last pick in the NFL draft. Purdy was seen as irrelevant and unlikely to make an impact on the team. However, due to a series of unexpected events, Purdy became the starting quarterback and led the 49ers to an undefeated season.

Summarize the meaning of the song Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd and its social value.

Good Morning.  I asked SkyNet, "Summarize the meaning of the song Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd and its social value..."
"Welcome to the machine is a song that describes the process of becoming a star in a cold and mechanical way..."
It came back with: 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

WFH: The Death of the 'Work Spouse'

The "Work Wife", and "Work Spouse" has been around since the '30s. The Pre-Covid office environment was a petri dish for interpersonal relationships - the label recognizes, if not legitimizes, a third-party 9-5 relationship.

gap intelligence Announces Partnership with Greg Walters, Inc. on The Office Tech Tap

– Top executive will lead new office technology newsletter –

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – December 5, 2022 – gap intelligence and Greg Walters, Inc. have formed an alliance tasked with bringing relevant content to providers and users of office technology.

The Office Tech Tap newsletter informs, educates, and inspires users, providers, system integrators, and decision-makers on business technology, work, and life (subscribe here).

“We’re excited to partner with prolific writer, frequent speaker, and hyper-charged freelancer, Greg Walters,” said Gary Peterson, gap intelligence CEO. “Bringing his unique and provocative view on selling technology to the masses is a big win for everyone in the business of selling to businesses.”

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Poem: The Copier's Legacy: A Poem of Remembrance and Renewal

"The Copier's Legacy: A Poem of Remembrance and Renewal"

The copier stands alone
Its gears now still, no longer known
The death of the machine, a silent toll
A relic of the past, now taking its toll

The Relevance of Queer Theory in Black History Education

Okay, here we go -

I had a very interesting discussion on LinkedIn the other day that reminded me of the good old days when the internet was raw and debates heated.

I was drawn into a conversation about Queer theory inside Critical Race theory in the state of Florida's education system.

An article titled, Florida wants its strict race and gender law to influence how an AP class on Black history is taught nationwide can be found here, which started this thing off.

Granted, beforehand, I knew very little of either side - indeed, my interest level wanned, I don't have a horse in this race. I copied the conversation out of LinkedIn and ran it through GTP, 
"summarize this content and write a 1000-word, collegiate-level essay with sources, a title, a summary paragraph, and a tweet:..."
Here is the lightly edited response.

ChatGPT: The AI Game Changer That's About to Shake Up Industries

  1. Generative AI, the technology underlying ChatGPT, is poised to disrupt nearly every industry in which knowledge from written records, videos, or images can be digitized.
  2. Generative AI democratizes AI access by providing a natural language interface and lower barriers to entry, making it cheaper and more effective to use for companies.
  3. In the medium term, generative algorithms will drive innovation through "transfer learning," allowing for new capabilities in various industries such as biopharma, engineering, and software development.

Microsoft and OpenAI's Partnership: The AI-mazing Comeback Story of the Century

In a recent development,
Microsoft is emerging as a major player in the field of artificial intelligence, thanks to its partnership with OpenAI. 

  1. Looks like Microsoft is finally making a comeback and taking the lead in the AI game, thanks to their partnership with OpenAI. This is a huge win for the company and it's great to see them innovating and pushing the boundaries in technology.
  2. The integration of ChatGPT into Bing has the potential to give Google a run for their money in the search engine game, which is exciting for consumers and businesses alike. It's about time we have some competition in the space.
  3. It's clear that Microsoft is not going to repeat the same mistakes it made in the past by missing out on new trends like social and mobile. They're being proactive and aggressive in their approach to AI and it's paying off.

The Return to the Office: A Debate on Productivity and Professional Development

Take Aways:
  1. Citadel CEO Ken Griffin attributes the hedge fund's record $16 billion profits in 2022 to employees returning to the office full-time.
  2. Other financial industry leaders, such as Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman and Rich Handler of Jefferies, have also expressed support for a return to in-person work.
  3. However, research suggests that working from home can be just as productive as working in an office and may even lead to increased employee loyalty and productivity.
 "not an employee choice," and Rich Handler, CEO of investment bank Jefferies, has stated that "if you want a career, engage with the rest of us in the office."


The recent report of Citadel's record $16 billion profits for clients last year has reignited the debate on whether employees should return to the office full-time.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Digital Transformation: Is it all it's Cracked up to be? My Personal Experience and the Importance of Improving User Experience

Inspired by an experience first written here, by Amy Wiess, and passed through ChatGTP.

Digital transformation is a buzzword that is frequently thrown around in business and technology circles. But, what does it actually mean in practice? This morning, I had a firsthand experience of what some might call a "digital transformation" in the medical field, and it left me questioning the true meaning of the term.

" this how digital transformation is supposed to work? Shouldn't digital transformation make things more efficient and streamlined, not more complicated..."

ChatGPT: The Next Step in Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for the Workforce

I've been messing around with ChatGPT over the past week and let me tell you, things are about to change big time. 

To be honest, it's got me feeling pretty scared.

It's worth considering what would happen if we gave it more memory, access to the internet to continue updating its model

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Revolutionize Customer Service with ChatGPT: The Future of AI-Powered Chatbots

"...we have been searching for automated solutions to resolve customer requests just as well as humans, if not better, for decades. But chatbots have often been seen as clunky and unhelpful. Now is the time to chase that dream and reach for the stars..."

Are you ready to take your customer service to the next level? 

Look no further than the revolutionary technology behind ChatGPT! This artificial intelligence technology has the power to turn ordinary chatbots into a fountain of information, transforming the way we interact with customers.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

AI will go mainstream in 2023

I'm here to tell you about the future of tech. 

The industry and the press have been talking about Artificial Intelligence for years, but we haven't seen much in the way of real-world examples. Sure, we've got some fancy camera tricks on our smartphones and some cloud-based data analytics, but that's not exactly what most people think of when they hear the term AI.

But, mark my words, this is the year that's gonna change. 

We're finally gonna see some serious, in-your-face AI happening. The launch of Dall-E and ChatGPT at the end of last year was just a taste of what was to come. These are examples of what they call "generative AI" - the ability to create original content from a limited input. With Dall-E, for example, you can ask it to generate images of a red Porsche driving through wine country during a snowstorm in a pointillist style. 

And ChatGPT, well, it's even more impressive. You can ask it to write song lyrics, bedtime stories, or even college essays.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Evolution of Office Technology: From Typewriters to AI Assistants

Office Technology Takes a Giant Leap Forward with the Introduction of AI Assistants

It's hard to believe that just a few decades ago, office technology was limited to manual typewriters and filing cabinets. But fast forward to today, and we find ourselves in a world where artificial intelligence (AI) assistants are becoming an integral part of the modern workplace.
 "...the evolution of office technology has been nothing short of remarkable. From manual typewriters to AI assistants, technology has transformed the way we work and communicate..."


 The introduction of personal computers in the 1980s marked the beginning of a new era in office technology. With the ability to store and process large amounts of data, computers revolutionized the way we work and communicate. However, it wasn't until the advent of the internet and the development of sophisticated software that the true potential of office technology was realized.

One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the rise of AI assistants. These intelligent software programs are designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, from scheduling meetings and managing emails to conducting research and analyzing data. AI assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and many are now able to understand and respond to natural language, making them more intuitive and user-friendly.

One of the most popular AI assistants is Google Assistant, which is integrated into a range of devices, including smartphones, smart speakers, and smart displays. Google Assistant can help users with everything from setting reminders and playing music to providing weather updates and answering questions. A popular AI assistant is Amazon's Alexa, which is available on a range of devices, including the Echo Dot and Echo Show. Alexa can help users with everything from controlling their smart home devices to ordering groceries.

"...there is a concern that technology is making us more isolated and disconnected from our colleagues and the world around us..."

Another exciting development in office technology is the rise of virtual and augmented reality. Virtual reality (VR) allows users to immerse themselves in a computer-generated environment, while augmented reality (AR) enhances the user's real-world environment with digital information. These technologies have enormous potential in the workplace, particularly in industries such as architecture and engineering, where they can be used to create virtual models of buildings and structures.

As you know, telecommuting is raging with the advent and acceptance of remote working. With the advent of high-speed internet and cloud-based software, it is now possible for employees to work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This has led to a significant increase in the number of remote workers and has changed the way we think about the traditional office.

However, as with any technological advancement, there are also some downsides to consider. One of the main concerns is the impact of technology on our privacy and security. As we rely more and more on technology, we are also generating vast amounts of data, which can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. Additionally, there is also the concern that technology is making us more isolated and disconnected from our colleagues and the world around us.

The evolution of office technology has been nothing short of remarkable. From manual typewriters to AI assistants, technology has transformed the way we work and communicate. 


Tweet: Office technology has taken a giant leap forward with the introduction of AI assistants. From scheduling meetings to analyzing data, AI is becoming an integral part of the modern workplace. #AIassistants #office #technology

Intro paragraph: The world of office technology has come a long way from manual typewriters and filing cabinets. With the advent of personal computers and the internet, office technology has transformed the way we work and communicate. And now, with the introduction of AI assistants, we are taking another giant leap forward. These intelligent software programs are designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, from scheduling meetings and managing emails to conducting research and analyzing data.

Image prompt suggestion: An image of a person using an AI assistant on their smartphone or a smart speaker, with a busy office environment in the background.

Song matching theme: "High Hopes" by Panic! At The Disco. The song's uplifting and hopeful lyrics match the idea of technology advancing and opening up new possibilities for the workplace.

Keyword list: office technology, AI assistants, personal computers, internet, virtual reality, augmented reality, telecommuting, remote working, privacy, security, cyberattacks.

Search question: What are the potential benefits and downsides of using AI assistants in the workplace?

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Greg Walters, Incorporated