I love it.
Just as everyone figures out how to spell MPS, industry pundits kill it.
Photizo called heavy growth rates in MPS Engagements through 2015 - of course, this was back in the "olden days" - 2009!
Last year at Lyra, consultants and statisticians explained that we will never return to the same levels of units (copier) sold, pre-2009.
Do you get that? Does anyone?
Why yes, some do...some have all along. HP buys EDS, and Xerox takes ACS.
Why paint MPS all black? Why kill MPS after just three short years? Why blacken the Sun?
I've said it before. Change releases fear and fear motivates.
Contrary to what the Imaging Intelligentsia bloviate, we are not witnessing the beginning of the End Managed Print Services - we are seeing the last gasp of "Print Services"(it's the "M" - stupid)
Two informational items were released this month: