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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Managed Services - Practice What You Preach

1/2011 -

It's all about the "M".

From the very beginning, I was uncomfortable with the "P" in Managed Print Services" - it is restrictive and a bit misleading.

But, in the beginning, the word "print" seemed a bit more familiar and approachable. Your prospect knows what you mean when you say "print".

The definition simply rolled off your tongue whenever asked, "What does MPS mean?"

"I manage all your print devices..." - You.

"Oh, okay, I understand..." - Prospect.

But much about Managed Print Services can you honestly identify with?

How familiar are you, personally, with the real-world benefits of MPS?

Sure, you can perform an assessment. And you put together quotes and proposals. Maybe you can even speak to a C-level, peer.

But do you know how it feels when a cartridge doesn't show up?

Do you experience the pain of attempting to de-code an invoice?


Have you witnessed the positive results of replacing personal, desktop printers with a second monitor?

Specifically, does your place of employment have your MPS Engagement in place?

Are you monitoring your, internal fleet?

What, you don't eat your own dog food?

The cobbler's kids have no shoes?

If so, scamper up to the owner's ivory tower and call Bullshit.

While at IKON, we sold all the best, top-drawer EDM solutions - all of them.

Yup - you guessed it. The order entry pack was a collection of spreadsheets. At times, we actually faxed out meter read sheets.

We printed 45-page proposals - 42 pages of marketing fluff, 1 cover, 1 letter, and a price list. (gasp!)

Now, I won't mention any names but there is an IT VAR, out on the Best Coast who has a small MPS practice.

In 2009, this 145-employee VAR spent $19,000.00 on toner and supplies for MFPs.

Before implementing their MPS, those who could guess estimated an internal fleet size of 19 printers/MFPs. In the end, it was discovered that 43 devices populated the organization.

Most of these, are locally connected.

At the close of 2010, invoice analysis revealed a yearly supply spend of $4,500.00.

Do the math.

Practice what you preach.

Click to email me.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Managed Print Services Engagements vs. Copier Service Agreements - Tell me Again, why we don't comp copier Reps on Service contracts?


The copier dudes are going to love this one.

Why don't we get residuals on the traditional, Cost Per Copy, service agreements for copiers?

If an MPS rep gets a cut of the volume, why shouldn't a straight copier rep get residuals on the service agreements?

And by 'copiers' I mean standalone or connected, copiers, printers, fax, MFPs, MFDs or whatever the heck else you call them.

Are you selling Konica Minolta copiers?

Kyocera copiers?

Ricoh's for an independent? Canon?

Or how about all my peeps @ RiKON?

When you sell a copier, how much flexibility do you have in adjusting the CPC sell price? Are you forced to "move the jello" by shifting some of your hardware profit over to make up for the service rate discount? (Even though you need to slash your margin to "stay competitive", forget all those back-end rebates. The ones you never see.)

How easy is it to sell a straight machine, WITHOUT a service agreement?

Why haven't we ever compensated the rep on the number of copies/images produced on the copiers they sell?

Ever wonder why you haven't been paid on service agreements?

No, really. Why not?

No wonder the copier guys are killing MPS.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Managed Print Services: Its ShowTime! Lyra in January, Photizo MPS Conference in May

This will be my third year attending the Lyra conference, in Palm Springs.

With at least half-dozen shows scattered around the country and globe, I really only like two: Lyra and Photizo's MPS Conference.

Photizo because they (and I) have been in the MPS ecosystem since the beginning.

Lyra, because of all the spaghetti graphs.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated