Quickly put together a Mega-Cloud, now.
Call it the "MacGyver Cloud"; duct tape, paperclips, hope, and a prayer - whatever it takes, string it together.
In this cloud, give away 6-month subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, HBR, LeopardONE, MPSInsightsPro, LuLu, TMZ, on and on.
Bundle all of it in. Free.
Hook up with Verizon and get on their network, into their stores. Hell, buy Verizon.
Get every remaining print publisher on the phone, in a Halo room, or to the West Coast and offer up an advanced conduit to 1 million customers, through MacGyver. Negotiate for a percentage and target Amazon/Borders; the Nook and the Kindle.
Spark up the TouchPad plants. Rationalize, re-calibrate and reorganize PSG around generations of TouchPad. Get this new team out there selling MacGyver and giving away TouchPads through every channel. EVERY CHANNEL. Sell it at 99 bucks - through Walmart.
Call the second model, "TheNext" and release a Leopard print version.
Call the second model, "TheNext" and release a Leopard print version.
Buy a f*cking advertising agency, not another technological oddity.
I'm not done yet.