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Sunday, January 2, 2022

New to Copier Sales: How to Write a Blog or Article

You’ve heard it before: “You’ve got to create content.”  Your LinkedIn feed is probably littered with all sorts of influencers pitching their personal branding and content generation classes.

Distinguishing yourself through content is undeniably effective, but how? Adding one more task to your selling process is daunting.  But writing about how you’ve helped others is a great way to project expertise and build credibility. Above all, writing can be a catharsis.

That’s the trick to good content — write for yourself, to yourself.  There are two basic audiences: those in the industry — coworkers, vendors, and the like, and those on the other side of the table — prospects, and customers.  Talking with either audience requires relevant ideas, subject matter, and empathy. Put yourself in their shoes. For example, if you recently had a great prospecting or cold-calling experience, tell the story. The odds are good that not only will your peers find it interesting, your prospects will as well.  

Remember, they sell things too.

Read the rest here.

Monday, December 6, 2021

What is a good bourbon for beginners

I get this question all the time and my response is typical, "What are you drinking right now?  What is your choice when you go into a bar for whiskey?"

this doesn't mean you shouldn't seek out folks who have been on the path before you; Those who have developed a palate like you're attempting to do.

It doesn't matter if the response is Jack or Jim or scotch, an Irish whiskey, or even nothing.

I ask this to get them to establish a base of their current taste profile. The question is for them, not me.

Back the Beginning -

For a lot of us, Jack and Coke was our first. 

I went with it as a kid, starting with Jack Daniels on the rocks as an 18-year-old.  On my 21st birthday, I received five, 5ths of JD - I established myself as a Jack Daniels dude early on.

I went through the usual whiskey adventures; Jack and Coke, or rocks, or Yukon Jack.  I settled on what I called a "Mountain Jack", Moutain Dew, and Jack Daniels.  It would be another 40 years or so until I discovered the real connection between Mountain Dew and whiskey.  


Back to the Future -

Friday, December 3, 2021

The Great Divide in Copier Sales

The other day I was speaking with a few dealers and salespeople about the current state of sales and selling. We talked about regional differences, slow change, and what it takes to be successful today in copier sales. 

It was déjà vu all over again. 

I’ve been preaching about change for over a decade, telling dealers and OEMs alike how the future is not about marks on a page or even software. 

The future of selling is in the statements of the past: 

“I want to be your trusted advisor.” 
“We must sell solutions.” 
“We need to listen to the prospect.” 

 We’ve all been there.  As soon as we walk the rest here.

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated