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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Maybe We Shouldn't Get Into Managed IT Services

Are we marketing the edge of forever or yesterday's Enterprise?

Are we marketing the edge of forever or yesterday's Enterprise?
I'm beginning to think the road to #digitalTransformation, for #TheImagingChannel, doesn't require stepping into the managed (IT) services niche. 

Maybe we've been looking at and been told the wrong thing by well-meaning yet misguided know-it-alls. (me included).  

I.T. isn't all that sexy. 

I know, I know, compared to #copiers, firewalls and anti-virus are #seductive.  

Wouldn't it be easier to deliver, and install coffee machines connected to the IoT? Or design and implement an IoT Connectivity Policy? Or how about looking to the fringe of technology beyond the curve? 
“Fewer clients. Less money. More attention. Caring for them.”
Speaking to the next generation of copier dealers - those who have survived, inherited, or still fly under their original colors - If every copier, printer, and paper document disappeared tomorrow, what would you do? 

What would you sell? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Why MPS Now?

Managed print services prevented customers from paying too much for devices, service, and supplies and reduced the number of machines in the field. After decades of over-purchasing copiers, companies were paying much more than they should. Paramount to the MPS process was the assessment and every assessment, if performed honestly, found devices well under recommended usage.

The MPS movement was perceived by some as anti-copier, anti-output volume, and thereby, anti-industry. As a practitioner and a champion of “30% cost reduction,” I was a pariah to “peers” and a contrarian to prospects. It was a great time.

As part of a minority movement, we had little control over the definition of managed print. Indeed, prospects, dealers, software houses, and OEMs created MPS in their likeness – which is fine – but each version was supported by an agenda and narrative: “sell more devices, toner, and software packages.” Instead of fighting the system, I pronounced the death of managed print services with hopes of a resurrection in the future.

Read the rest, here.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Ask Greg is Back

A while back, I had an "Ask Greg" column writing for Xerox around Managed print Services where folks would write in and ask all sorts of questions and I would answer.

For the past few years, I've been writing a series titled "New to Copier Sales..." for The Imaging Channel, here.

I'm bringing it back.

I know that there isn't a shortage of 'know-it-alls' out here - the cyber-world has always been populated with bloviating pontificators - I'm not looking to compete with those folks.  All I know is that for the last 20 plus years, I've been involved with sales teams selling and prospects buying.  I've been on BOTH sides of the sales table.

The process is simple.  Ask a question, I'll give you an answer. The question can be about anything: selling copiers, managed print services, uniform rental programs website design, and anything in between.  "

For example, Fred Farkel from Flint, Michigan asks, 

"Greg, I've been in copier sales for 60 days and I haven't sold a thing.  My manager is all over me to sell something, anything.  How can I turn a quick sale?  Can I do anything to get my manager off my a$$? - Fred.

My response might go something like this:

"Dear Frustrated in Flint, 


Yours very truly, 


Of course, I'm kidding. (sorta)

"Dear Frustrated in Flint,

I am sorry to hear of your challenges in the 'thumb'.(Mid-Michigan)  Sales managers like yours are the bane of our industry. Regardless,  here are some ideas your manager should have already reviewed with you:

  1. Hit up all your existing clients. 
  2. Check lease renewals.
  3. Comb the "New business" announcements looking for live prospects.
  4. Approach family and friends for leads at their place of business.

Remember, you're looking for quick transactional, turns the above ideas are short term answers in a long term game.

PS - Seriously, if your sales manager is all over you so early, keep your resume up to date.

Do you have a question?  Click here.  What have you got to lose?

"Help me, help you."


Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated