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Monday, October 2, 2023

The Digital Mirage: Navigating the Illusion of B2B Sales in a Post-Paper World

By Gordon P. Thompson


In a world where bytes replace ink, can the human touch still seal the deal?

Amidst Tokyo's neon embrace, I found solace in an izakaya, where the past and present coalesced. As the digital age reshaped the world outside, the warm sake in my hand whispered tales of a time when business was more than just transactions.

The world of B2B sales, especially in office technology, has always been a dance of adaptability. Greg Walters from The Imaging Channel once reflected on the evolution of B2B sales strategies. The tools of the trade have evolved, but the essence? It remains rooted in trust and understanding.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Ugly Truth: Selling is not an Artform - It's an Algorithm

"Selling is an Art" is A Lie.

In the world of sales, there's a pervasive narrative that "Selling is an Art." This perspective is often championed by sales management and trainers, painting a romanticized picture of the sales profession. But why is this narrative so prevalent, and what purpose does it serve?

At its core, the idea of selling as an art form is a motivational tool. By elevating the act of selling to the status of artistry, sales management and trainers aim to instill a sense of pride, purpose, and self-worth in salespeople. The underlying message was clear: you're not just pushing a product or service; you're crafting a masterpiece, engaging in a dance of persuasion, and creating a unique experience for the customer.

However, there's a darker side to the story, there always is. 

Framing selling as an art, is suggests that you possess a unique, almost mystical skill set that sets you apart from others. This leads to your inflated sense of self-importance, making you believe you hold a special place in the corporate hierarchy and the sales realm. In reality, you are a victim of a strategic move to keep you motivated, driven, and, most importantly, loyal to the company.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

AI Will Replace Millions of Sales Professionals: "Anyone Telling You Different, Is Selling Something"*

Sidebar: AI will first eliminate Purchasing Agents.

Greg's Words:

One day, much sooner than you can imagine, your past prospects will incorporate an AI Agent to help them, "...optimize their existing business processes and workflows..."

One day, much sooner than you can imagine, your past prospects will build their own "...trusted advisor..."

One day, much sooner than you can imagine, your prospects will revel in experiencing sales without ever speaking to or meeting with You.

One day, much sooner than you can imagine, organizations that build technology solutions, hardware, software, consulting and advisory services will incorporate an AI Agent to communicate and manage, "...the customer experience and selling journey..."

One day, much sooner than you can imagine, providers of IT and Office Technology will have a team of AI Selling Professionals who work 24/7, never get sick, never get emotional, and exceed quota, every single month.  

Over time, quotas will go the way of the typewriter.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated