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Saturday, November 11, 2023

How The #University of #Michigan Should Handle This Scandal

UofM is accused of scouting and stealing signs from other teams.  I think the whole thing is horsepucky.  Everyone steals signs - it is the way of things.

The media and 

Publish Everything

Every note, video, text, email generated by and associated to scouting and capturing intelligence about every opponent.
Publish every playbook. Maryland and Ohio State - publish them.

Hold a press conference and make one statement, 

"Here you go.  Take all of our plays, plans, signs and stats.  Now stop us."

Friday, November 10, 2023

Who Owns Inspiration?

Yup.  I fed the casting call into ChatGPT and this is what came out.

When I train my AI via WSJ, Gartner, TED, NPS...etc. does the AI owe anything? 

AI doesn't own the content, it owns the 'intelligence' gained from reviewing others' content. Isn't it like going to the library, opening the Encyclopedia Britannica, taking notes and creating for compensation(a grade)? 

Or how about attending a lecture, recording said lecture, then creating an essay based on this and other research materials?

Artificial Intelligence and Whiskey

Whiskey!  Artificial intelligence.  Two issues I am very passionate about; connectivity, convergence and revolution.

Bourbon is not immune to the latest technological wave.  The production, promotion and legend that is Bourbon not unlike every other manufacturing, marketing or point of interest.  There are processes and patterns.  And as you know, artificial intelligence eats processes, recognizes the patterns and improves upon the entire system. 

"the whisky is AI-generated, but human-curated" - Angela D’Orazio, Mackmyra's master blender/

It is natural to see AI applied to the creation of every complex product and bourbon may obtain a higher sophistication using AI as a tool.

Indeed, the niche is embracing this bold new world in a few different ways:

Contact Me

Greg Walters, Incorporated