"My Name is Peter Weyland And If You'll Indulge Me, I'd Like to Change the World"
Technology advancements:
- 100,000, BC: Stone tools.
- 4,000, BC: The wheel.
- 800, BC: Sundial.
- 9th century, AD: Gunpowder. Bit of a game-changer, that one.
- 1441: The printing press -- only slightly less impactful.
- 19th century: Steam engine. Railway. Eureka! The light bulb!!
- 20th century: The automobile, television, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, Internet.
- 21st century: Biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission, and M-theory -- and that was just the first decade.
"We wield incredible power -- the power to transform, to destroy and to create again. The question, of course, before us is, "What the hell are we supposed to do with this power?" Or, more importantly, one should ask,