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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Remember when Americans were...well...American?

No purple hair


No Men destroying Women Sports; for that matter, no Women destroying Women's Sports

When American flags were displayed without petty criticism...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

New to Copier Sales: Advice for Overcoming Sales Stalls

It was a typical Friday afternoon when a buddy and I had the unexpected pleasure of chatting with a newly minted copier sales professional. The setting was informal, cigars and bourbon and remote via Zoom, yet charged with the enthusiasm of someone eager to make their mark in the industry. As we shared stories and strategies, our conversation drifted to a fundamental challenge that every salesperson faces at some point: a stalled sale. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

New to Copier Sales: Total Immersion

There is a belief in marketing that we generate demand by reaching out to as many cold leads as possible. Dialing for dollars is the best way to guarantee increased sales. It’s the age-old mantra, “It’s a numbers game, kid.”

Success depends on sheer numbers. Contemporary approaches to selling are varied and proven, but it is still challenging to speak with strangers — especially when you’re convincing them to do something. In the New World of Selling, great salespeople uncover demand. 

The best attract demand.

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Greg Walters, Incorporated