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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Keypoint Survey Reflects What We Already Knew - "Ai Will Remove Paper From the Process"

"Ai doesn't work with paper. At all."

I know, I know - the paperless office "will never happen".  It's been predicted for decades but you're still selling copiers, aren't you?  Still shipping toner, right?  Tick Tock, the clock is winding, we are a few strokes away from midnight.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Boys of Fall

"...there's so many people who live vicariously through you..."

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Is Being on LinkedIN Good for Selling?

Yes.  Yes it is.

The platform has been around longer than dirt.  Not really.  I joined in 2008 but wasn't part of the LI first gen.  LinkedIn has outlasted many and is truly Business oriented, moving away from the 'recruiter' stigma of the early days.

Today, if you're not on LI, as a business, you're small potatoes', non-existent.  

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Greg Walters, Incorporated